Meredith Niles
Marie Curie: Alpaca Meet & Greet

by Meredith Niles
Marie Curie fundraisers were inspired by an innovative fundraising idea they saw at I Wish I’d Thought of That (IWITOT) 2020. The team worked quickly to turn the idea into a quirky, low-cost campaign featuring alpacas on video calls.
Read moreRecasting the ‘middle man’ - the role of charities in the age of disintermediation (part one)

by Meredith Niles
In part one of a two-part series on the role of disintermediation in charitable giving, Meredith Niles takes an in-depth look at how the public responded philanthropically to the war in Ukraine. She draws on several research studies to look at donor motivations and help you answer the question, ‘should fundraisers be concerned that people might stop giving via charities altogether?’
Read moreRecasting the ‘middle man’ - the role of charities in the age of disintermediation (part two)

by Meredith Niles
In part two of our series on the role of disintermediation in charitable giving, Meredith Niles discusses why disintermediated giving could be more attractive than traditional charitable giving (in some situations). She also shares some of the ways in which charities might respond to these changes in donor giving patterns.
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