
Why do we have a pri­va­cy policy?

SOFII is com­mit­ted to pri­va­cy for every­one who access­es the site. New laws mean we must com­ply with cer­tain reg­u­la­tions which are designed to ensure that any data you pro­vide to us is processed with due care and atten­tion and giv­ing you more con­trol of what lands in your inbox.

SOFII is com­mit­ted to build­ing your con­fi­dence and trust by com­ply­ing with leg­is­la­tion and good mar­ket research prac­tice that pro­tects pri­va­cy and safe­guards your per­son­al data. We are com­pli­ant with the Data Pro­tec­tion Acts of 1984 and 1998, The Pri­va­cy and Elec­tron­ic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Reg­u­la­tions (PECR) and the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tions (GDPR). This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy explains how SOFII col­lects, uses, stores, shares and pro­tects your per­son­al data as a data con­troller and a data processor.

Do we pass data to third parties?

When you enter your con­tact details on SOFII, you con­sent to SOFII using these details to con­tact you with lat­est news, arti­cles and case stud­ies. Your details will not be passed on to any third par­ties unre­lat­ed to SOFII.

We mon­i­tor infor­ma­tion secu­ri­ty com­pli­ance and have writ­ten con­tracts which oblig­ate our part­ners or third-par­ty providers to process your per­son­al infor­ma­tion only on our instruc­tions and in accor­dance with applic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion and pri­va­cy laws. 

SOFII may be under duty to dis­close your per­son­al infor­ma­tion where required in order to com­ply with any legal obligation. 

How is this data safeguarded?

The secu­ri­ty of your data is extreme­ly impor­tant to us. Access to your per­son­al data is only pro­vid­ed to our staff and third par­ties who help us to process data and, in order to help with the dona­tion process, to char­i­ties that you have specified.

How do we let you know if our pol­i­cy changes?

Any pol­i­cy changes, either due to busi­ness rea­sons or future changes in leg­is­la­tion, will be post­ed on this page and, if sub­stan­tial, may be pro­mot­ed on the web­site or through e‑mail notification.

This notice was last updat­ed in May 2018

What are cook­ies’ and why do we use them?

Cook­ies’ are ways of sav­ing a small amount of user infor­ma­tion. This allows easy access to our site, with pre­vi­ous search results that are rel­e­vant to you. Click here to learn more about cook­ies used on this site. To dis­able cook­ies, please refer to your sys­tem help guide.


The Data Pro­tec­tion Act 1998 (DPA) gives you the right:

  1. To request in writ­ing and secure­ly obtain copies of the per­son­al infor­ma­tion that SOFII holds about you.
  2. To cor­rect or update your per­son­al infor­ma­tion processed by SOFII.
  3. To request that SOFII stops using your per­son­al infor­ma­tion for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es or for any oth­er pur­pose where there is no legal require­ment for con­tin­ued processing.

The Pri­va­cy and Elec­tron­ic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Reg­u­la­tions (PECR) give you the right:

  1. To choose whether or not to receive mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion from us by email, text or telephone. 
  2. To know about the cook­ies SOFII uses, so that you can decide whether to give us per­mis­sion to store a cook­ie on your device. Please see the Cook­ies sec­tion for more information.

For more infor­ma­tion about your infor­ma­tion rights vis­it www​.ico​.org​.uk


The length of time we hold your per­son­al infor­ma­tion for varies depend­ing on the type of infor­ma­tion and its use. SOFII will only keep your per­son­al infor­ma­tion for as long as it is nec­es­sary to pro­vide the ser­vices and/​or prod­ucts that you have request­ed, or for such oth­er essen­tial pur­pos­es such as, com­ply­ing with our legal oblig­a­tions, resolv­ing dis­putes, inves­ti­gat­ing dis­ci­pli­nary mat­ters and enforc­ing our agreements 

We may also retain the data in accor­dance with statu­to­ry requirements. 

If you have indi­cat­ed that you do not wish to hear from us in the future, we will keep the min­i­mum infor­ma­tion nec­es­sary to ensure we avoid con­tact­ing you any further. 


At SOFII we do our best to meet the high­est stan­dards when col­lect­ing and using per­son­al infor­ma­tion. For this rea­son, we take any com­plaints we receive about this very seri­ous­ly. We encour­age peo­ple to bring it to our atten­tion if they think that our col­lec­tion or use of infor­ma­tion is unfair, mis­lead­ing or inap­pro­pri­ate. We also wel­come any sug­ges­tions for improv­ing our pro­ce­dures. Any cor­re­spon­dence should be sent to the address pro­vid­ed below. 


You can con­tact us via e‑mail at carolina@​sofii.​org