Digital fundraising

Extra Life: ‘Play Games, Heal Kids’ 24-hour gaming marathon

by Rickesh Lakhani

In this case study, video game enthusiast and fabulous fundraiser Rickesh Lakhani asks: How can a plumber, riding a dinosaur, help raise money for children?

Keep reading to find out!

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Team Trees – digital fundraising success in aid of the Arbor Day Foundation

by Lynda Harwood-Compton

This article celebrates a viral campaign that has been making a big impact since 2019. Keep reading to learn how two men took on a challenge to plant 20 million trees, engage Gen Z donors, and achieve fundraising success for the Arbor Day Foundation.

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CAFOD: Digital Advent campaign with ethical, authentic creative

by CAFOD and Blue State

CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, wanted to create a new campaign, supporting their work in Afghanistan over the festive period in 2023. The resultant digital fundraising appeal, created with Blue State, was not just successful in recruiting new donors – it also put ethical creative front and centre.

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The Sandcastle Trust: Christmas appeal and fundraising film

by Danielle Singleton

When you work at a small charity with a tiny team, setting up an important appeal can feel like a big responsibility. In this case study, charity founder Danielle shares how she learned variety of new skills – including how to co-create a fundraising film and design a landing page – so The Sandcastle Trust could reach more donors with their 2023 Christmas campaign.

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New year, new changes in digital fundraising – five tips to help you prepare

by Eric Reif

Changes in online marketing and data privacy have made it harder than ever to find new donors. And as we embark on a new year in fundraising, more shifts are on the horizon. So what can fundraisers like you do to make sure you’re prepared to communicate with and nurture your donors in an ever-evolving digital landscape?

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Hear Me Out: Co-creation fundraising campaign

by Anna Zabow

Small charity, Hear Me Out, has been working hard to embed co-creation across their whole organisation – even in their fundraising appeals. In this case study, their team share how the ‘More Than A Label’ campaign was co-created with a talented group of people who all had lived experience of the UK’s immigration system.

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Blind Low Vision NZ: Paws for Purpose collection box auction

by Gwen Green

This is a virtual auction done well. It includes many of the ingredients for success – good planning, sustainability, celebrity, partnerships, a strong ask and the pull of beautiful items that truly connected the donor to the cause. For all these reasons, Blind Low Vision NZ ensured their auction raised plenty of vital funds for their guide dog programme. 

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ChatGPT and fundraising – what do you need to know? (part two)

by Cherian Koshy

In the second instalment of our series on ChatGPT and fundraising, SOFII talks to Cherian Koshy – the founder of a platform that democratises access to artificial intelligence and machine learning for nonprofit organisations. Dive in and explore Cherian’s in-depth insights and opinions on ChatGPT for fundraisers. 

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ChatGPT and fundraising – what do you need to know? (part one)


You’ve probably heard about ChatGPT. You might have read about how it could revolutionise (or destroy) everything from internet searches to journalism. But as fundraisers, what do you really need to know? In part one of a two-part piece, we ask three digital fundraisers to give us their opinions on ChatGPT. 

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Hercule Van Wolfwinkle: ‘Bad’ pet portraits fundraiser

by Tony Banks

What do ‘bad’ pet portraits have to do with fundraising? Click here to read the inspiring story of how one person raised more than £200,000 for charity – simply by drawing furry friends from around the world.  

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Charity e-commerce – learning from the best online shops in the sector

by Matt Smith

Fundraising, marketing and digital teams need to work together to improve charity e-commerce and offer a better user experience. Matt Smith shares examples from charities who are leading the way – delivering great customer support and ongoing communication. Read on to find out how you can turn a ‘transaction’ into a more meaningful supporter experience.

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National Trust for Scotland: ROOTS regular giving campaign

by Joe Nicholson

For membership organisations, recruiting regular givers isn’t always easy – but with a beautiful new regular giving product, the National Trust for Scotland certainly succeeded.

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