Supporter experience

Giving donors a great supporter experience should be a top priority for every charity, but it is too rarely the case. In this showcase, we’ll bring you examples of organisations that have provided a memorable journey for their donors through excellent storytelling, emotional messaging and expressions of gratitude. 

Dogs Trust: Building an engaging supporter experience at ‘Dogs Trust Village’

by Amy Bingham

Step into ‘Dogs Trust Village’ and you’ll discover a masterclass in the supporter experience. This unique event has not only engaged with existing dog-loving supporters, but it’s also helped recruit new ones and raise vital funds. No wonder the CIOF shortlisted the Village for Best Supporter Experience of the Year at their National Fundraising Awards.

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Beyond words – how thanking can transform your relationship with your charity’s supporters

by Mark Phillips

The all-important thank you. After each donation, the thank you sets the tone for what could be a good or bad supporter experience. Yet so often, the thank you becomes automated, forgotten, or worse still – left out of the donor journey on purpose. In this article, Mark Phillips shares why he thinks improving your thanking can be transformational to the relationship you have with your supporters.

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Supporter care – it’s the best investment you can make in fundraising

by Ralph Welch

Ralph Welch didn’t expect his chance encounter with a Women’s Super League customer service team to make him think much about fundraising. But an unexpected response after a recent purchase made him reflect on charities and supporter care. Read on to find out more and learn a few top tips.

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How do you say thank you for 41 million eggs?

by Marina Jones

Fundraising history, donor recognition, supporter experience and thanking. This one has it all! Dive in and explore the many virtues of this World War One (WWI) National Egg Collection campaign. There’s plenty to inspire you and your fundraising, today.

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How we do it – crafting SOFII’s special thank you letters

by Joanna Culling

At SOFII, we believe that great donor care is important. But it can be difficult to get right. So, while we aren’t perfect, we strive to try our best and practice what we preach. SOFII is a tiny charity, and we know the challenges that can crop up when you’re low on resource and short on time. This article gives you a little insight into how we thank our own donors.

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Charity e-commerce – learning from the best online shops in the sector

by Matt Smith

Fundraising, marketing and digital teams need to work together to improve charity e-commerce and offer a better user experience. Matt Smith shares examples from charities who are leading the way – delivering great customer support and ongoing communication. Read on to find out how you can turn a ‘transaction’ into a more meaningful supporter experience.

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Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony: ‘Adopt a penguin’

by Simone Owens

We are fundraisers, but we are often donors too. In this case study Simone Owens shares how a day out on her family holiday in New Zealand led to a very special penguin adoption... and a very memorable supporter experience. 

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Who Gives a Crap: supporter experience and email journey

by Lianne Howard-Dace

At the supporter experience edition of I Wish I’d Thought Of That, Lianne Howard-Dace showed fundraisers what we can all learn from the marvellous communications by toilet paper brand Who Gives a Crap.

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Harry Perkins Institute: Habit tracker regular giving acquisition

by Paige Gibbs

The Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (aka the Perkins) revolutionised its fundraising with a superb – and successful – push to attract more regular givers. 

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The pandemic: where has fundraising been, where is it going and where should we be focusing now?

by Giles Pegram CBE

Help is at hand. A free online booklet and webinar are now available to help you deliver great fundraising during the coronavirus pandemic. And the advice all hinges on how to provide a superb supporter experience.

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RNLI: We are one crew

by Joe Burnett

This short but wonderful video from the RNLI thanks donors for their ongoing support during the coronavirus pandemic. But crucially, it also sends out heartfelt hopes that they too are keeping safe and well through these trying times. 

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Fundraising in a time of crisis: five ways to think about the supporter experience now

by Richard Turner

Fundraiser Richard Turner shares how charities such as RNLI, Asthma UK, Freedom from Torture, and SolarAid are responding to the coronavirus crisis and reaching out to their supporters.

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