3 pages tagged with Legacies:
- Barnardo’s: ‘Be More Gladys’ legacy television ad UK children’s charity Barnardo’s hoped to attract new legators with their first-ever television legacy ad campaign, Be More Gladys. This ad took a fresh, bold approach that is helping them stand out in a crowded market and reach new audiences.
- Legacies through the lens of faith In an increasingly multicultural world, how we engage and inspire donors from different backgrounds and faiths is important. This article explores the unique traditions and beliefs that underlie faiths and looks at how religion frames philanthropy.
- New study finds legacy giving has gained ground beyond boomer generation Legacy giving is one of the largest sources of voluntary income for UK charities, but what are the latest trends in legacy giving? These new findings from a long-running benchmarking study provide vital insights for fundraisers – simply click to learn more.