Claire Axelrad
Don’t be out of tune on Ukraine

by Claire Axelrad
What is ‘top of mind’ for your donors right now? Claire Axelrad explains why it is always important to address what really matters to your supporters and help them contribute to solving urgent problems.
Read moreE così vorresti aumentare le grandi donazioni quest’anno? Eccoti il segreto!

by Claire Axelrad
Sei un fundraiser che lavora con i major donor o ti stai affacciando in questo mondo? Claire Axelrad, visionaria del fundraising ed autrice di questo articolo, ti guida passo dopo passo alla scoperta dei tuoi potenziali major donor e ti mette in guarda dalle insidie, comuni ma mai banali, per poter lavorare con consapevolezza e passione.
Read moreHow jargon destroys non-profit fundraising and marketing

by Claire Axelrad
Do you use a lot of jargon in your fundraising communications? If so, it’s probably time for a rethink!
Read moreShould you enthusiastically promote legacy giving when people are dying?

by Claire Axelrad
Is it a good time to be asking your donors to leave a legacy? Claire Axelrad explores this difficult question and comes to some thought-provoking conclusions.
Read moreSo you want more major gifts this year? Here’s the secret!

by Claire Axelrad
Are you thinking of asking a major donor for a gift? Claire Axelrad’s top tips will guide you through how to do so successfully.
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