Roger Lawson

A single measure of the health of your supporter relationships

by Roger Lawson

Roger has looked at how you can encourage loyalty and then build on it. Now, he explores how your organisation can evaluate your relationships with donors.

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Growing supporter loyalty doesn’t happen by accident

by Roger Lawson

Securing your donors’ loyalty requires work – and investment. In the latest article in this series, Roger Lawson explains how a little investment can make a huge difference.

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Investing in supporter loyalty improves retention and grows income – and now it’s quantifiable

by Roger Lawson

This is a first for our sector – an investigation into donor loyalty involving thousands of donors from a dozen charities. Check out the findings in this article and download your copy of the free report.

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Magic matters… if we want to truly engage

by Roger Lawson

‘Magic moments’ and unforgettable experiences are the key to donor loyalty, says Roger Lawson.

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What creates highly loyal supporters?

by Roger Lawson

What are the drivers of donor loyalty, the things that will compel them not just to donate but to be champions of your cause for years to come?

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Why is it key for fundraisers to understand supporter loyalty?

by Roger Lawson

What is loyalty? It’s a word we all use. But what do we mean by it? Roger Lawson explores loyalty in fundraising and says, ‘loyalty is how your donors feel about you’.

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About the author

Roger Lawson 16

Roger Lawson (he/him) helps charities create and implement supporter experience strategies that excite and inspire donors to give… and keep giving!

Roger’s approach is based on his passion for understanding the personal motivations why donors give to the charities they do. He’s as happy as a pig in muck when he’s speaking to donors to understand and measure the emotional connection they have with the charities they support; building segmentation models to help charities understand their different audience needs; developing propositions that inspire giving and legacies; or designing supporter experiences that grow long-term loyalty and value.

Roger has held senior fundraising positions at Feed the Children and WWF, been strategy director of Cascaid and GOOD Agency (two of the UK's most innovative and successful fundraising agencies) and now enjoys working directly with charities and universities.

He’s on the steering groups for the IOF’s Supporter Experience and Insight in Fundraising groups, is an IOF Convention board member and is a judge of the Donor Experience Award at the National Fundraising Awards.

Roger Lawson

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