We are the SOFII One Hundred

All around the world fundrais­ers are start­ing out, look­ing to improve, or search­ing for new ideas. They want to cre­ate good fundrais­ing – suc­cess­ful cam­paigns that make donors feel great about giv­ing. But some­times they need a help­ing hand to reach their goals. These fundrais­ers are reach­ing out and offer­ing sup­port. Let’s cel­e­brate them!

Written by
September 17, 2022

Hover over a photo below to learn more about the incredible people who make up the SOFII One Hundred. These caring fundraisers keep SOFII going and help ensure it is completely free for you and our growing community of changemakers around the world.

If you would like to join this group of kind fundraisers, click here to find out more.

SOFII would not exist without the hard work and enthusiasm of co-founder Marie Burnett (1949-2019). For many years, Marie gave SOFII so much of her time. She volunteered her editorial skills to benefit SOFII and was also a SOFII trustee.


In memory of Marie Burnett
United Kingdom

“I choose to support SOFII knowing that we can have a collective impact in our communities and around the world. I'm humbled and motivated to participate in the greatest impact for today and for generations to come.”


Jody Matheson

“SOFII has been a vital resource for me ever since it was founded. I teach and write about fundraising, and I know that whenever students need some examples to draw on, or I need to illustrate a point, there will be a gem sitting in SOFII’s archive.”


Claire Routley
United Kingdom

“When I started my fundraising career, I was a sole fundraiser in a small charity. I felt like I was scrabbling around in the dark, seeing what I could make work. SOFII were the ones who turned on the lights. Here’s to you, SOFII.”


Andy King
United Kingdom

“SOFII is my go to place to send clients when they need to break out of their rut and find some fundraising inspiration.  I'm happy to include its sustainability as part of my company's support for the sector!”


Chad Barger
United States of America

“SOFII is a rich source of inspiration, insight and knowledge, providing global fundraisers invaluable lessons from the successes (and failures) of previous generations. We all gain from the new ideas and fresh thinking from today’s brightest. Daryl Upsall Int'l is proud to be a SOFII regular donor.”


Daryl Upsall

“To me SOFII represents the foundations of a better, fairer world. In these troubled times, it brings hope, and evidence, that fundraising can make change happen. It’s been my go-to source for inspiration, and I feel privileged to pay that gift forward – ensuring SOFII inspires future fundraisers!”


Tanya Jackson
United Kingdom

“I've become a regular SOFII supporter because I also want other fundraisers to enjoy the collected wisdom SOFII has to offer, in years to come.”


Reinier Spruit

“I’m passionate about encouraging fundraisers to build on the best, and SOFII is just a brilliant source of the best. When I want an inspirational example it‘s my ‘go to’. What’s not to love about sharing brilliant free resources?”


Angela Cluff
United Kingdom

“SOFII is a wonderful repository of the best in fundraising, past, present, and future. I support SOFII as it preserves the work of past giants of the profession on whose shoulders we stand - like George Smith, Tony Elischer, Kitty Hilton, and Simone Joyaux.”


Steve Thomas


Rachael Moore
United Kingdom

“Because we all have the capacity to change the world, and I want to do small things that help each of us find that capacity.”


David Reeves
United Kingdom


Lisa Blackwell
United States of America

“The opportunity to do meaningful work, bring donors closer to causes they hold dear, and work with passionate fundraisers – these give me joy. SOFII is a community where we share and learn from each other. It’s a gift to fundraisers, but communities need support to thrive and that’s why I give.”


Dominique Leeming
New Zealand

“Since my early days of fundraising I’ve used SOFII for inspiration. Now I regularly refer other fundraiser to it both in online groups and through training. In fact literally today just an hour after I signed up to SOFII 100. It’s a one-stop shop of fundraising awesomeness!”


Sarah Goddard
United Kingdom

“SOFII helps charities inspire their donors, grow their supporter loyalty, help more people and create more change. In today’s world, SOFII has never been more important.”


Roger Lawson
United Kingdom

“I believe in accessible knowledge and digestible inspiration. The more we share the things we try and sometimes fail at, the better we all become. I give to SOFII so it can provide insights for generations to come and I do all I can to ensure fundraisers know SOFII is there, whenever they need it.”


John Lepp

“SOFII gave - and still gives - me so much inspiration and proven wisdom. I think it is really important that all fundraisers big or small can have access to good proven knowledge. So we can make the world a better place.”


Bas Van Breemen


Valerie Pletcher
United States of America

“SOFII is my go-to resource for examples of fundraising in action. For my undergraduate and master’s degree students, SOFII brings the theory to life. It is vital for training the fundraisers of today and tomorrow. SOFII inspires and informs my fundraising work. Huge thanks to Ken and the whole team.”


Donna Day Lafferty
United Kingdom

“SOFII has been a guiding star throughout my fundraising career. It has sparked inspiration, ideas and innovation. It connects me to fundraising’s rich heritage and makes me proud to be a fundraiser. I’m delighted to be part of the One Hundred to help SOFII flourish in the future.”


Craig Linton
United Kingdom

“I love being part of the SOFII community. SOFII offers a wealth of information for fundraisers. It has helped me grow my knowledge and given me new ideas. Most of all, I truly appreciate SOFII’s supporters’ dedication to sharing their expertise for fellow fundraisers.”


Charmaine Shah
United Kingdom

“At times, fundraising and leadership can feel lonely and frustrating. We all need a place to find our community and be inspired – SOFII is that place. Ken and Marie’s dedication to supporting fundraisers means SOFII has had an impact globally, making us all feel welcome, warm, and fuzzy.”


Michelle Berriman

“The sharing of ideas across the sector is such a huge part of why I love working in the charity sector, so it was a no brainer to help support SOFII. Long may it continue to be a rich source of inspiration and innovation for fundraisers of the future.”


Hannah-Mae Trow
United Kingdom

“I support SOFII as a member of the ONE Hundred because they provide a very valuable resource. I want to ensure this one-of-a-kind site with so many wonderful ideas to get your creative juices flowing can continue to be FREE for nonprofits, consultants and agencies alike.”


Erica Waasdorp
United States of America

“I love the fact that SOFII is accessible to all, making fundraising wisdom available to the smallest charities all over the world.”


Andrew Barton
United Kingdom

“When I started in fundraising, SOFII was my platform to go to. Today, I am happy to give back and support its sustainable future. Thank you to all SOFII supporters. Thanks to you, I could have access free of charge to great fundraising advice.”


Rudina Turhani

“SOFII has been a massively important resource for me throughout my fundraising career - both at creative agencies and now charity-side. It’s a must-have resource for my teams and I’m proud to support SOFII so we can continue to build this amazing library of charity knowledge.”


Abi White
United Kingdom

“I am forever inspired by fundraisers, be they supporters or fellow fundraisers. SOFII has been with me during my whole career, and now keeps me connected with fabulous fundraisers. I’m proud to support SOFII and ensure this inspiration is available to even more fundraisers for years to come."


Claire McMinn
United Kingdom

“When I first started working in fundraising, SOFII was an invaluable resource that helped open my eyes, providing me with inspiration – and it still does so today. Thank you to this amazing community of change makers, colleagues, and fundraisers.”


Matthew Gibson

“I have used SOFII as a campaign inspiration source for many years. I love the collected history of our profession, and how throughout the years, our industry strives to do better. Being part of the SOFII One Hundred is my way of giving back for all I have received over the years.”


Doreen Slessor


Xuela Edwards
United Kingdom

“SOFII is an amazing resource that I wish was around when I was new to fundraising. I’m happy to play my very small part in ensuring it remains available for current and future fundraisers from around the world.”


Stephanie Maitland
New Zealand

“I joined SOFII because I have found the most useful fundraising info on the SOFII site. Can't thank you enough!”


Jeana Orman
United States of America

“SOFII is a treasure trove of great ideas and deserves to be available for everyone.”


Lee Lloyd
United Kingdom

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Jeremy Payne
United Kingdom

“SOFII has been a large part of my fundraising life. The invaluable teachings, expertise and kindness of the global SOFII Community has had a profound effect on me. It’s important for me to give back to SOFII to ensure other fundraisers have the same opportunity to access this wonderful community.”


Lynda Harwood-Compton
United Kingdom

“I give to SOFII is because it’s an incredible and inspiring resource for fundraisers. It’s provided such a wonderful space for my own learning since I became a fundraiser. I think it’s important to support this resource to ensure all fundraisers can continue to use it.”


Kate McGranaghan
United Kingdom

“As a professional fundraiser, SOFII has always been there to provide me and my team with inspiration and creative ways of thinking. I love learning from others so I’m giving to SOFII as I want to give back to a resource that has greatly enriched my personal and professional life.”


Heather Little

“SOFII’s developed over the years into an invaluable global resource, while retaining a warm sense of community. I have recommended it countless times, and still do whenever I get the chance.”


Annie Moreton
United Kingdom

“When I became a fundraiser, SOFII was an invaluable learning resource for me. I’m so grateful to all the fundraisers who have shared their expertise over the years so that we can collectively raise our game. I give to keep SOFII freely available to fundraisers like me around the world.”


Meredith Niles
United Kingdom

“SOFII is a gift to fundraisers.

It is one I have used often - and recommended to many. 

My support is in gratitude to all contributors and the amazing volunteers behind the scenes.

Thank you all .”


Terri Sheahan

“You may not have the perfect boss, but you can always count on SOFII to point you in the right direction. This is the right place to take your fundraising journey to the next level.”


Angélique Masse Nguyen

“SOFII was my bible from my first day as a fundraising copywriter. It's an incredible resource that champions creativity and the power of  storytelling. Every fundraiser, whether new or seasoned, can benefit from SOFII's wisdom. I'm proud to support it because great fundraising starts with sharing great ideas.“


Miriam Raphael

“SOFII is more than a resource; it's a community of changemakers. If SOFII were a book, your copy would be brimming with notes and bookmarked pages. SOFII has helped me grow as a fundraiser and a leader. I give so SOFII can keep inspiring philanthropy. Will you join me?”


Christine Gilliland

“SOFII is about unrestricted sharing of knowledge across an industry. It's always been about the future of great causes and about the next generation who raise support for those causes.”


Tom Ahern
United States of America

Our dear friend Simone was a long-time monthly giver and champion of SOFII. She once said, “SOFII is sooooo cool and informative and full of history and and and!!!! Thanks to Ken Burnett and his pals, SOFII is the bestest compiler of stuff that works in our philanthropic field.”


In memory of Simone Joyaux
United States of America

“Delighted to be playing a small part in SOFII. It’s an integral part of my fundraising practice and I never fail to be inspired by the stories and ideas.”


Linsey Shields
United Kingdom

“SOFII is so valuable for our challenging fundraising world. We all need a little support, motivation or inspiration every now and then to help us keep going and deliver the transformational changes needed in society.”


Amanda Long
United Kingdom

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“SOFII is the ultimate cheerleader! No matter where we are in the world SOFII is our North Star - guiding and inspiring fundraisers with the best of global brilliance!!” 


Vicki Rasmussen

“I started fundraising in South Africa over 30 years ago. There were no resources there then. I have written 20 books on fundraising, trained 1000s and mentored hundreds of people. I understand the need and appreciate what SOFII does!”


Jill Ritchie
South Africa/ United Kingdom

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“With so much change needed in our world, SOFII is there to inspire and enable us to be a bit better every day, helping us learn faster from the very best in fundraising.”


Paul Farthing
United Kingdom

“I’m supporting SOFII as a thank you to the worldwide community of fundraisers who have been such an important part of my life. Whether mentors, mentees, friends, colleagues, drinking buddies or shoulders to cry on, I wouldn’t be where I am in this wonderful life without you ❤.”


Leah Eustace

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“SOFII is such an amazing resource for those in the charity sector, full of great ideas and inspiration - long may it remain a means for sparking the imagination of fundraisers everywhere”


Lisa Flanagan
United Kingdom

“All of us need SOFII, and don't we all dream of winning 'I wish I thought of that' I mean what better reason is there to ensure it's there for all the generations of fundraisers to come.”


Emma Ball
United Kingdom

“I love using and sharing SOFII resources, there is so much rich content here and a great community for fundraisers. To give some support to help the site remain free for all to access is an easy choice to make.”


Samantha Lane
United Kingdom

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“The reason to give is simple – SOFII is the most stimulating and thought-provoking resource for fundraisers. We have lost count of the number of times it has given us inspiration, ideas, solutions and more. It is fundraising fuel for the imagination. Long may it grow and prosper.”


John Grain Associates (JGA)
United Kingdom

“SOFII is so important to the development and dissemination of knowledge and information about fundraising and philanthropy throughout the world. My contributions are given in memory of the late Dr Ed Pearce, Director of Development at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.”


Jim Hilborn

“I’m proud to support SOFII as it has provided me with so much knowledge over the years. Long may it continue to inspire fundraisers for many years to come.”


Sally Insley
United Kingdom

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“SOFII is the institutional memory of our profession - the good, the bad and the ugly of what we do as fundraisers. Donating to its preservation and continued expansion means SOFII continues to inspire, remind, and forwarn fundraising professionals past, present, and future.”


Damian Chapman
United Kingdom

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“Being a fundraiser is the greatest profession- we get to be creative storytellers, business analysts, and are the lifeblood of so many incredible causes. We are always better together and SOFII is an incredible enabler of growing the collective mind for all of us to learn and build on the experiences of those around us.”


Christine Neubeiser
United Kingdom

“I stumbled into the world of fundraising 25 years ago without much of a clue as to what I was doing! Thanks to SOFII and many of the professionals who are fellow supporters, I've learned and grown and feel like a stronger communicator and philanthropic facilitator.”


Jenna Czaplewski
United States of America

“When you need a bright idea to inspire you - SOFII is always there. I've benefited from SOFII throughout my career so it feels the right thing to give back - so SOFII can be there for more fundraisers with the inspiration they are seeking at the moment they need it.”


Richard Turner
United Kingdom

“Richard Turner made me do it, now I am one step ahead!” 


Jenny Sheriff
United Kingdom

“SOFII offers so much - context, history, experience, knowledge and expertise - for me it's the lateral connections between all these that SOFII does so well.”


Andrew Watt
United Kingdom

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“Good ideas, workable ideas, copy-able ideas. Sharing them is what SOFII is all about. Why re-invent the wheel? Take inspiration, adapt and try out something that’s worked for someone else. I’m proud to have some of my ideas showcased on SOFII, and have benefitted from so much that’s there.”


Matthew Sherrington
United Kingdom

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“I love fundraising and I love history – SOFII provides both with buckets of inspiration. I‘m proud to be supporting fundraising and history, and I‘m proud to be one of the SOFII 100.”


Marina Jones
United Kingdom

“I want to support SOFII’s work to democratise access to knowledge on fundraising and innovation. This will help the organisation expand and become more appealing for fundraisers worldwide.”


João Paulo Vergueiro

“SOFII is an amazing resource. Never forget it. I’m proud to be a contributor.

SOFII believes that fundraising is not about persuading people to give to the charity, but inspiring people to make a difference to the world by giving to the cause.”


Giles Pegram
United Kingdom

“I’m delighted that I was able to support Ken and Marie as they set up SOFII and to have stayed involved as it has grown and prospered and become of such practical value to fundraisers throughout the world – long may it continue to thrive!”


David Carrington
United Kingdom

“Campaigning fundraisers communicate inspiration and innovation brilliantly. SOFII’s preserved and catalogued the best of this in the world’s biggest collection of instructive case histories, and it’s growing all the time. Please join the SOFII 100 to keep SOFII free for all fundraisers.”


Ken Burnett
United Kingdom

Join these special fundraisers and start helping today

If you’d like to see your face on our wall of recognition because you also want to make a difference to fundraisers, click here to find out more about the benefits of joining the SOFII One Hundred.

Not quite sure? If you have questions, simply email Lynda (lynda@sofii.org) to set up a quick chat about the SOFII One Hundred. 

About the author: SOFII

The SOFII collection aims to be the most comprehensive, best organised, and most inspiring collection of fundraising related content from around the world.

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SOFII is a charity registered in the United Kingdom. Our goal has, and always will be, to support fundraisers around the world and share the very best of fundraising’s past and present. But with limited funds, this means we are always open to offers of help from friends like you!

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