Laura Croudace
¿Funciona de verdad dar las gracias?

by Laura Croudace
Lo hacemos sin darnos cuenta. Damos las gracias cuando nos mantienen la puerta del ascensor abierta, cuando nos dejan pasar si tenemos prisa, le damos las gracias al cartero por entregarnos un paquete, agradecemos los cumplidos del tipo “Laura, el pastel de queso que has traído a la oficina hoy es el mejor que ha probado nunca”.
Lo que quiero decir es que: damos las gracias a conocidos, extraños y gente de paso todo el día. Pero, como captadores de fondos que somos, ¿damos suficientemente las gracias de forma efectiva?
Read moreDo you want to increase your fundraising income by spending a tenner?

by Laura Croudace
If you are looking for a fundraising mentor, you won’t go wrong with this book says Laura Croudace in her review of Rob Woods new work, The Fundraiser Who Wanted More.
Read moreDoes thanking really work?

by Laura Croudace
Thanking should be fun, colourful, vibrant, exciting and, above all, personal, says new, enthusiastic fundraiser Laura Croudace.
Read moreHumans of New York: the power of storytelling for social fundraising

by Laura Croudace
Humans of New York has been a stunning example of community engagement through social media and a demonstration of the power of storytelling since its launch in 2010. And now, it is also a model for crowd funding.
Read moreLessons from a charity shop

by Laura Croudace
Do you think that charity shops are not ‘pure’ fundraising, in fact, aren’t fundraising at all? During a stroll in the sunshine, Laura Croudace came across a charity shop that, in her words, ‘blew me away’. Click here to see how and why she thinks we could all learn from FARA’s approach to running shops.
Read moreThe day World Vision welcomed me to their world

by Laura Croudace
Here is Laura Croudace’s personal account of a new form of face-to-face experiential donor recruitment. It all started when she spotted a mud hut when out shopping with her family one day.
Read moreWhy I support 12 different charities

by Laura Croudace
How can you learn and improve if your training budget is titchy? Get out and donate says Laura Croudace, who wants a steady stream of fundraising pouring through her letterbox because she learns so much from it. And all those donations are still cheaper than most seminars and workshops.
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