CDE project 17: leadership
There’s no doubt that high quality, inspirational leadership is the lynchpin in any organisation’s approach to and expectations from fundraising. Yet it’s an area that suffers from premature turnover and underinvestment as well as misunderstanding. Building on previous learning this project will define what makes great fundraising leaders and what leadership they need from their senior management colleagues and their board if they are to deliver the competent, motivating leadership that will sustain and direct the new style of fundraising that is evolving in Britain.
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CDE project 17 section 4.3: we now need a different kind of leadership

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Develop a shared consciousness. Model it. Be consistent.
Read moreCDE project 17 section 4.4: devolve responsibility - growth mind-set

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Empower everyone to think for themselves and take action.
Read moreCDE project 17 section 4.5: culture

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
Ideas and activities that will help you create an adaptable, empowered environment
Read moreCDE project 17 section 5: conclusion

by The Commission on the Donor Experience
If our charities are to respond and help supporters solve the problems they care about, leaders need to deliberately cultivate an environment that is adaptable, informed and empowered.
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