20 pages tagged with Leadership:
- The time for leadership - giving in the time of coronavirus The latest body of research by Mark Phillips and Bluefrog Fundraising highlights the need for leadership at a crucial time for fundraisers.
- CDE project 17 section 1: the approach In this project we were seeking to answer the question: ‘What kind of leadership have you found increases the chances that a charity will operate in a donor-centred way?’
- CDE project 17 section 2.1: introduction ‘It’s about giving and engaging people, it’s this lovely virtuous cycle where you get to give money, and you get to do something yourself that actually makes a difference.’
- CDE project 17 section 2.2: ‘Define and champion’ and ‘Help people see’ ‘You need to develop that sense of shared consciousness…so we all know what the picture is, what we’re striving collectively to do and we’ve got permission to get on and do it.’
- CDE project 17 section 2.3: your organisation’s purpose Focus attention on why changing the way you work with supporters is something you must do, not just something you should do.
- CDE project 17 section 2.4: your definition of success Define and reinforce what success looks like in terms of your supporter’s experience.
- CDE project 17 section 2.5: relentlessly reinforce the vision and make it visible Richard Spencer explained that one way he helped put the point of view of the supporter at the forefront of people’s minds was by circulating a weekly results update.
- CDE project 17 section 3.1: people build great relationships 'Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.'
- CDE project 17 section 3.2: inside-out leadership It is not about changing others – it is about changing yourself first.
- CDE project 17 section 3.3: trust - risk - people Richard Turner said that one of the most powerful shifts he has ever made as a leader was deciding to spend time every week with the people he manages.
- CDE project 17 section 4.1: culture - create an adaptable, empowered environment A major turning point for Solar Aid came when their leaders decided to focus their efforts on solving one challenge in particular: the fact that the most common source of light in the evening for many people was the kerosene lamp.
- CDE project 17 section 4.2: the game is different now The challenge is that the world in the 21st century is fundamentally different to the 20th century. Changes in technology have had a huge impact on the environment in which charities now operate.
- CDE project 17 section 4.3: we now need a different kind of leadership Develop a shared consciousness. Model it. Be consistent.
- CDE project 17 section 4.4: devolve responsibility - growth mind-set Empower everyone to think for themselves and take action.
- CDE project 17 section 4.5: culture Ideas and activities that will help you create an adaptable, empowered environment
- CDE project 17 section 5: conclusion If our charities are to respond and help supporters solve the problems they care about, leaders need to deliberately cultivate an environment that is adaptable, informed and empowered.
- CDE project 17 summary: leadership Building on previous learning this project will define what makes great fundraising leaders and what leadership they need from their senior management colleagues and their board if they are to deliver the competent, motivating leadership that will sustain and direct the new style of fundraising that is evolving in Britain.
- CDE project 18 summary: supporters as champions for your mission This project will look at the basic fundraising model differently, to try to define how supporters in future can be used as channels and networks to spread opportunities, grow income and to provide donors and potential donors with a rich array of rewarding experiences.
- CDE project 23: part 4 - project 12 - 17 12. Inspirational creativity 13. Giving choices and managing preferences 14. Getting the right people as fundraisers 15. The role of trustee boards and senior management 16. A distinctive service culture 17. Leadership
- CDE project 6. Section 5.4b: the moody leader In an extract from his book Storytelling can change the world, Ken Burnett looks at moody leaders from history and explores how emotion can play a part in strong leadership.