
6 pages tagged with Myth Smashers:

  • From the Myth Smashers: ‘Fundraising isn’t a serious profession’ by Victoria Andrews ‘To call us a not for profit is a disservice and to say fundraising isn’t a real job, is simply not true.’ From the Fundraising Institute of Australia’s exceptional Myth Smashers session comes this impassioned deflation of that most pernicious of myths - that fundraising isn’t a profession.
  • From the Myth Smashers: Do donors really love having a brick with their name on it? by Kellie O’Sullivan When it comes to capital campaigns, 2022 Myth Smashers winner Kellie O’Sullivan isn’t sure putting your donor’s name on a brick is strictly necessary. She thinks it’s less about the brick and mortar or the physical building – and more about ‘building’ a legacy that lays the foundations of community, connection, and collaboration.
  • From the Myth Smashers: Guess what? Mid value donors are not major donors in disguise! by Kate Rule Just like the cliché of the middle child, mid value donors can sometimes be forgotten, ignored, or swept up in other segments. But 2023 Myth Smashers winner Kate Rule believes that mid value donors are not major donors in disguise! Keep reading to discover why Kate wants you to rethink your stewardship strategy for mid value donors.
  • From the Myth Smashers: Is fundraising all about the money? by Claire Hughes What is fundraising all about? If you think it’s all about making money, then think again. Claire Hughes talks you through how we can all smash this fundraising myth.
  • From the Myth Smashers: The myth of the ‘rational donor’ by Alice Anwar In the first presentation from Myth Smashers, an I Wish I’d Thought Of That (IWITOT)-inspired event that takes place every year down under, Alice Anwar of CARE Australia explores the myth of donor rationality and asks, ‘can the head and the heart ever be friends’?
  • Meet the fundraising Myth Smashers by Joe Burnett SOFII shares the winning presentations from Myth Smashers, Fundraising Institute of Australia’s IWITOT-inspired event. These young fundraisers each shine a light on dispiriting fundraising myths and show how they can be overcome.