
6 pages tagged with Philanthropy:

  • A timeline of modern British philanthropy by Rhodri Davies In this fascinating article, Rhodri Davies takes you through a brief but insightful history of British giving.
  • CDE project 9 summary: major donors by The Commission on the Donor Experience This project will look at what’s cutting edge in major donor development with a view to capturing these lessons and where appropriate suggesting how major donor experiences might be applied to other groups of donors too.
  • Nothing can or should substitute for philanthropy by Simone Joyaux This is a new, yet old, addition to the Simone Joyaux Archive on SOFII. Written in April 2009, Simone talks about the differences between revenue and charitable gifts, and why customers and donors are not one in the same. She certainly had a point that still rings true today: Nothing substitutes for donors. Nothing. Ever. Never.
  • SOFII stars: the best of corporate social engagement by SOFII Charities working in tandem with business can achieve remarkable results. In this edition of SOFII Stars, we present several wonderful examples where clever fundraising strategies led to exceptional partnerships!
  • Three things your organisation needs to know about corporate philanthropy by Adam Weinger Are you looking to make the most of your organisation’s corporate philanthropy programme? This article shares the three things you need to know before you get started. 
  • Unleash the might of the donor – power as a component of a fundraising plan by Mark Phillips Your donors want to make a difference. But sometimes when they give, they aren’t sure if their generosity is making an impact. In this article, Mark Phillips shares three techniques you can add to your fundraising appeals. Each one will help ensure your donors know that they DO have the power to make a difference.