SOFII stars: the best of cor­po­rate social engagement

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July 18, 2018

Charities working in tandem with business can achieve remarkable results. In this edition of SOFII Stars we present several wonderful examples where clever fundraising strategies led to exceptional win/win partnerships.

SOFII stars: everything you ever needed to know about creating perfect philanthropic partnerships

CDE project 7: Jonathan Andrews explores the evolution of corporate partnerships as part of the Commission on the Donor Experience.

UNICEF's partnership with the Glasgow Commonwealth Games was the first time the opening ceremony of a global major sporting event was used by a charity to raise money.

Doing good from your toilet: how one entrepreneur helped WaterAid by creating a social enterprise and also by sitting on his loo for rather a long time.

What do companies want from charity partners? An essential question explored.

A superb giving initiative from British supermarket (and purveyors of great avocados) Waitrose.

Check out this wonderful joint community initiative from Citibank and YMCA Singapore.

The World Cup has just ended, so here's a football-related bit of goodness from FC Barcelona and Unicef.

How corporate customers enabled an innovative charity to raise money to pay for a unique development facility for disadvantaged youngsters.

Lessons from a $27.1 million corporate gift from United Way for Southeast Michigan.

Four tips that can help land corporate donations.

A long-term initiative by Marie Curie and the Yorkshire Building Society shows the value of thinking for the future.

Hopefully more corporate bosses will turn to something like CEO Sleepout.

This partnership between Oxfam UK and Marks and Spencer is fulfilling the needs of people in the UK and developing countries. The planet is a winner too.

About the author: SOFII

The SOFII collection aims to be the most comprehensive, best organised, and most inspiring collection of fundraising related content from around the world.

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