Richard Turner
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Richard Turner
Il Fundraising in tempo di crisi: la crescita dell'altruismo

by Richard Turner
Richard Turner riflette su come le persone hanno mostrato il loro altruismo e bontà nella raccolta fondi dall'epidemia di coronavirus.
Read moreA new approach to fundraising – why you should be accessing your donors’ networks

by Richard Turner
It’s time to ring the changes in the way we raise money. Rather than just looking at our donors’ financial capital says Richard Turner, we could be using their social capital to make fundraising so much better for them and our causes.
Read moreFundraising in a time of crisis: five ways to think about the supporter experience now

by Richard Turner
Fundraiser Richard Turner shares how charities such as RNLI, Asthma UK, Freedom from Torture, and SolarAid are responding to the coronavirus crisis and reaching out to their supporters.
Read moreFundraising in a time of crisis: the rise of altruism

by Richard Turner
Richard Turner reflects on how people have shown their altruism and goodness in fundraising since the coronavirus outbreak.
Read moreRelationship Fundraising ignited – why it’s relevant today

by Richard Turner
In the first of a new series, Richard Turner asks if the book is still relevant in today’s world and what lessons it has for current fundraisers?
Read moreRichard Turner’s great story

by Richard Turner
Richard Turner's advice for all fundraisers is to have a great story to tell. And the place to start looking for it is among all the people who benefit from the cause you fundraise for.
Read moreServe or inspire? That is the question

by Richard Turner
Inspire is often a misused word in the fundraising world but it is not just a way of recruiting and even retaining donors. Inspiration can go much, much further.
Read moreSolarAid: ‘Spread the light’ campaign

by Richard Turner
Have we all been so busy looking for ways to recruit donors that we are missing something obvious? This exhibit from SolarAid shows how fundraisers used the passion their donors feel for the cause to recruit friends, neighbours and family members of those same donors, bringing them onboard as SolarAid supporters too.
Read moreSolarAid: Lighting the way

by Richard Turner
Richard Turner, director of fundraising at SolarAid, highlights how the charity took a strategic phased approach to raising £1 million over three years. He also includes useful top tips to help you secure funding for your next new idea.
Read moreWhat’s the golden thread that unites us?

by Richard Turner
There were so many great and inspirational ideas shared at I Wish I'd Thought Of That 2018. Which of these will inspire you to transform your fundraising?
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