The SOFII history project

Welcome to the SOFII history project! To be a great fundraiser you need to be aware of what has come before and there is no better place to explore our collective past than here. Have you heard of the first ever major donor dinner from 970 BC? Have you read the wise words of Moses Maimonedes, who explored the eight levels of giving 800 years ago? Are you aware of the ground-breaking campaigns from the Victorian era? All these treasures and many more can be found in the SOFII history project. Dive in to learn the valuable lessons of fundraisers past. You can find:

Take a trip in SOFII’s time machine: the SOFII history project - introduction and contents

Part 1: treasures from fundraising’s history here

Part 2: the all-time fundraising greats here

And Part 3: the legends of fundraising here.

BBC Television: the 1966 documentary, Cathy Come Home


Cathy Come Home, the powerful story about a young family’s slide into homelessness and poverty was a defining moment in 1960s television. The controversy it created led to public outrage at the state of housing in Britain and to the launch of several charities, including Shelter. Here you will see the deeply moving final scene, presented by Chris Barraclough at last year’s IWITOT.

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Fundraising in the First World War: how the fundraising ground force made a difference

by Tony Charalambides

Asking someone in your immediate vicinity for monetary help is as elementary as fundraising gets. More often than not, it’s as effective as it gets too – which is why it pops up throughout history. Fundraising during the First World War was no different. 

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The Statue of Liberty: Pulitzer’s fundraising for the pedestal

by ​Aditi Srivastav

Without the help of Joseph Pulitzer, who inspired 120,000 ordinary New Yorkers to donate a huge number of small donations, the 150ft tall Statue of Liberty would not be standing today on New York’s harbour. 

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Fundraising in the First World War: fighting the good fight

by Tony Charalambides

Fundraising and charitable volunteering is a rather under-reported component of Britain’s war effort during the First World Ward, says Tony Charalambides, but it had an enormous impact on its outcome.

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How the suffragettes became one of the most successful brands ever

by Aline Reed

You might be surprised to know that one of the most successful branding exercises ever was performed by the first suffragettes in Britain. They were, of course, notorious for their demonstrations of bravery, but also for the splendid ways they raised huge amounts of money to promote equality for women everywhere. One woman was so inspired that she donated £1000 a year – £80,000 in today’s value, to be paid until women were given the vote. You’ll find out lots more here.

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National Trust: recruiting members by the millions

by Aline Reed

Discover the story of Octavia Hill, an amazing fundraiser and co-founder of the highly successful and respected charity – the National Trust.

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The Absent-Minded Beggar: bigger than Band Aid?

by Aline Reed

The first-ever fundraising song? If you thought Band Aid was the first fundraising song ever, this’ll surprise you. Aline Reed has been digging around in the past and discovered a much earlier version created by a rather illustrious team – Rudyard Kipling and Sir Arthur Sullivan (without Gilbert this time). It’s not exactly rock and roll, but did raise the equivalent today of £25 million.

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Magic moments: The founding of Cripplegate Foundation and North London Cares

by Aline Reed & Ken Burnett

There is a lot going on in this addition to SOFII’s founding magic moments. It has a wonderful ghost story and is a great example of a consistent donor relationship that has lasted over 500 years. And it shows how philanthropy moves on, changes and can help younger organisations do the same. 

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A fundraising challenge to raise money for a legendary expedition

by Aline Reed

Aline Reed comes up with another gem of fundraising memorabilia, this from the roaring twenties. Click here to see a wonderful idea that raised the funds to reach the top of Everest for the first time.

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Magic moments part two: how some of the world’s best causes got started

by Aline Reed & Ken Burnett

SOFII casts its spotlight on the early instants of inspiration that gave rise to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Greenpeace, Centrepoint, Freedom from Torture, NSPCC, the Fred Hollows Foundation and University College London

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The Bhopal Medical Appeal grabs every opportunity to tell good stories


This ad turns that spying to its advantage by showing two senior executives of Dow, through some inspirational stories, how they would save money if they helped the people instead and it would most likely be more fulfilling as well.

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Magic moments part one: how small beginnings inspire great causes

by Aline Reed & Ken Burnett

In this article Aline Reed and Ken Burnett describe some great founding moments – how small beginnings can inspire great causes.

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