21 pages tagged with Regular giving:
- Abortion Support Network: ‘Why do you support ASN?’ By asking a simple question of their donors and sharing the responses in later communications, a small charity provided inspiration for all fundraisers.
- ActionAid: the welcome to child sponsorship package ActionAid’s child sponsorship programme has been running in the UK for over 35 years. In 2008, they revisited the enquirer and welcome packs with the intention of making the materials the best that could be found anywhere.
- Amnesty International: the pen pack Amnesty needed a powerful and effective means of recruiting new donors to their great cause. This was it. This was, as far as we know, the first ever occasion when a free pen was included in an acquisition mailing, in the UK at least. This mailing was both brilliantly successful and started a trend that led to a flood of imitators. SOFII has just restructured its massive direct mail, door drops and household deliveries showcase – the world’s biggest and best direct mail swipe file. Check it out here.
- Amnesty International: throw-away insert campaign Amnesty International’s fundraising is rarely other than enterprising, inspirational and effective and this insert doesn’t fail to live up to expectations. Here, Amnesty International used people’s contrary instincts about the medium to their benefit by creating an insert with a warning not to open it.
- Arrels Fundació: cardboard hearts for the homeless Arrels Fundació have come up with an excellent way to wear your heart on your sleeve to raise money and awareness of the growing number of homeless people in Barcelona. It is also easily copied.
- At last, some genuinely fresh thinking in press advertising from a charity Discover what’s so special about this ad from Sightsavers that it made Andrew Papworth go ‘Wow!’
- Book Aid International: the Reverse Book Club This medium level structured monthly giving scheme is a good example of a fundraising product that has been specifically designed to fit the needs of donors to a very particular and specific cause.
- Breakthrough Breast Cancer: ‘Touch, Look, Check’ campaign This campaign successfully united two aims: to increase knowledge of breast cancer warning signs and recruit a large number of regular givers.
- Do you love fundraising as much as we do? Here at SOFII, we love fundraising. And if you love fundraising too, then you would fit in perfectly with our other fundraising-loving friends – the SOFII One Hundred. Read on to meet all the members of the SOFII One Hundred and learn how you can join them in supporting other fundraisers, today.
- Greenpeace Frontline: launch of a high level monthly giving scheme This was an early monthly giving scheme by Greenpeace UK. Within a short while, one fifth of all its income was coming from Frontline members.
- Harry Perkins Institute: Habit tracker regular giving acquisition The Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (aka the Perkins) revolutionised its fundraising with a superb – and successful – push to attract more regular givers.
- Hear Me Out: Co-creation fundraising campaign Small charity, Hear Me Out, has been working hard to embed co-creation across their whole organisation – even in their fundraising appeals. In this case study, their team share how the ‘More Than A Label’ campaign was co-created with a talented group of people who all had lived experience of the UK’s immigration system.
- I wish I’d thought of the ‘Touch, Look, Check’ campaign At I Wish I’d Thought of That in November 2024, Laura Webb chose to celebrate a fundraising campaign that was created in 2012 and is still going strong today. Raising both money and awareness, ‘Touch, Look, Check’ is a value-exchange proposition that continues to engage donors.
- Irregularity – is it the future of regular giving? Recruiting regular donors, increasing engagement and reducing attrition are three things that feature in plenty of fundraising strategies. They remain a focus for good reason – all fundraisers want to help their cause with the reliable funds that a base of committed supporters brings. But what if the future of regular giving was less ‘regular’ and more ‘irregular’?
- Médecins sans Frontières: ‘field partners’ Without doubt all fundraisers want regular givers and lots of them. This is a great example of how to convert your existing supporters from random one-off gifts to planned regular giving, and how charities can change the giving behaviour of existing supporters.
- Mind Pause Box A beautifully designed self-care subscription box that was tailor-made for its target audience and encourages regular giving for Mind -the Pause Box is a trailblazer.
- National Trust for Scotland: ROOTS regular giving campaign For membership organisations, recruiting regular givers isn’t always easy – but with a beautiful new regular giving product, the National Trust for Scotland certainly succeeded.
- RSPCA: Pet First Aid Guide value exchange campaign Discover how the RSPCA in Australia used exceptional fundraising to recruit new regular donors and save the lives of animals in New South Wales and Queensland.
- The day World Vision welcomed me to their world Here is Laura Croudace’s personal account of a new form of face-to-face experiential donor recruitment. It all started when she spotted a mud hut when out shopping with her family one day.
- The Polish Red Cross: Very Good Manners This campaign by the Polish Red Cross showcases guerilla marketing at its most effective and innovative.
- We are the SOFII One Hundred