Con­se­jo Cívi­co hosts Giv­ing Tues­day Thankathon in Mexico

Recent­ly, SOFII read­er Ani­ta Gal­lagher got in touch to tell us that a fundrais­ing idea she‘d dis­cov­ered on SOFII, had been repli­cat­ed by a non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion in Mex­i­co dur­ing Giv­ing Tues­day. Nat­u­ral­ly the SOFII team were thrilled that our free resources had led to ter­rif­ic sup­port­er care around the world – and we were keen to know more. In this arti­cle, we hear from Ani­ta and Yare­li Sepúlve­da Sáenz and learn how Con­se­jo Cívi­co made an idea they heard about via SOFII work for them!

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January 09, 2025
Three staff at Consejo Cívico write thank you cards during their Giving Tuesday Thankathon event.

In December 2024, SOFII reader Anita Gallagher reached out with a lovely message for us. Her words truly warmed our fundraising hearts. Anita said:

‘At some point, I saw on* how Marie Curie UK hosted a ‘Thankathon’ as part of Giving Tuesday. I have used it as an example in my presentations many times.

‘But this year a non-profit network in Monterrey, in the north of Mexico, took it to heart and did their own Thankathon on Giving Tuesday.

‘I just thought I’d share that good news with you, so you can see how the work you do at SOFII makes an impact.’

Naturally the SOFII team were thrilled that the content we share in our free resources had led to some terrific supporter care happening around the world. We were keen to know more!

Anita kindly linked us up with Yareli Sepúlveda Sáenz from Consejo Cívico – the organisation that had been inspired to put on their own Thankathon after Anita’s SOFII tip.

Yareli shared more about this special supporter experience:

‘We really liked the idea of hosting a Thankathon in Monterrey. We’re proud to have 115 affiliated civil society organisations working with us. We always aim to offer value, and we try to participate in Giving Tuesday every year.

So, this year, when we heard about the Thankathon concept Anita had seen on SOFII, it felt like the perfect fit.

‘It gave us the chance to take a moment and show our appreciation for the work these organisations do. What made it even more special was that the letters were personalised for each of our collaborators. They were all different, some were to thank people for collaborating on a project, others to acknowledge the beautiful work they do, and so on.

‘We placed the letters in a display at our holiday gathering with associates on Tuesday, 3 December 2024. People viewed the letters, and it created a wonderful dynamic on the day.

The Thankathon was such an emotional moment for everyone. It gave us the chance to connect, not just among our employees, but also with the people we work with, our associates.‘

One of Consejo Cívico’s associates reads a thank you message that was displayed in the building.

We are so grateful to Anita and Yareli for sending us this lovely example of how sharing ideas on SOFII can spark enthusiasm for fundraisers around the world. An idea that was effective in the UK has now also had a big impact in Mexico – and that’s why SOFII continues to share great fundraising ideas, week after week.

Have you replicated a fundraising idea you spotted on SOFII? If so, we would love to hear from you too!

Our small charity is committed to offering inspirational free resources that get fundraisers thinking, doing, and pushing to be their best. If you’d like to let us know how SOFII has inspired your work, please email

*Anita spotted the Giving Tuesday Thankathon at Marie Curie UK when Meredith Niles shared it in this SOFII webinar for Giving Tuesday UK in 2022.

IMAGES: © All images courtesy of Consejo Cívico

About the author: SOFII

The SOFII collection aims to be the most comprehensive, best organised, and most inspiring collection of fundraising related content from around the world.

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