The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

How to write a better newsletter

by John Grain

In this article, John Grain tells us in simple terms what a good newsletter should be. If you want some solid, practical advice about writing a better newsletter, you need to read this.

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Eight lessons for online fundraising

Wikimedia logo

by Corinne Bekker

Fundraising consultant, Corinne Bekker tackles the ongoing debate about online fundraising. Using the example of Wikimedia’s recent success – success to the tune of $16 million – she argues that clearly online fundraising can work, if you know how to get it right.

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Top tips to get the best from your agency - part 2

Lay the best foundations to avoid the project going askew.

by Gill McLellan

This stage of your project has the biggest influence on your campaign’s future success.

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Top tips to get the best from your agency - part 1

Cartoon showing a man at a crossroad of arrows

by Gill McLellan

With experience on both sides of the charity/agency divide, Gill McLennan shares her insight into how the best relationships are managed and has some un-missable tips on how to get the most from your agency, as well as your colleagues, to ensure your project is the best it can be.

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The view from the doormat

Miss Stevens’ pile of letters.

by Andrew Papworth

Fundraisers all over the world have been working frantically in recent weeks to get their Christmas mailings out. Have they been wasting their time? Yes, according to Andrew Papworth’s friend Miss Stevens.

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Are we so bedazzled by new media that we are losing possible legacies?

by Andrew Papworth

You and I know that we can make statistics say whatever we like. But check out this from Andrew Papworth: one in four adults don’t use the Internet every day. Astonishing huh? Are you alienating your donors by denying them the way they want to give?

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A triumph of artlessness – the St Luke’s Hospice loose insert

by Andrew Papworth

This loose insert from a hospice is, says Andrew Papworth, a triumph of artlessness. It is simple yet clever, knows its audience well and explains clearly that continuing to care needs continuing support.

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Most stupid ad concept, bar none

by Jeff Brooks

This month, Jeff has identified a particularly bad advert that fails to convey any information about the cause; it also hurts to look at. What do you think?

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What makes a nonprofit ad stupid?

by Jeff Brooks

Pointing out stupid nonprofit ads tends to generate a lot of controversy. So, I am going out on a limb when I call these things stupid. And I could be wrong.

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Other people: together not separate

A donation box with a few prominent notes

by Charlie Hulme

In his latest article on storytelling, Charlie Hulme, says, ‘If you want people to donate, make sure they know that others are. Don’t ask them to join at the starting line, show them the finish line – show them the money.’

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Investing in testing - part 1

by Ken Burnett

Has the rigorous testing regime that used to pervade in every seriously ambitious charity been allowed to slip in your organisation? Are your trustees afflicted with the ‘lowest possible acquisition cost’ mentality? You must test properly, says Ken Burnett, otherwise your prospects for innovation are reduced to a matter of random chance.

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Why the dumbest things your smartphone does are the smart things to do

ActionAid train SMS ad

by Fiona Pattison

Those bright folks at Open Fundraising share with you a cornucopia of their secrets and lessons learned at the cutting edge of donor acquisition. Instead of ‘rushing headlong over the bleeding edge of technology’, study here what you should be doing if you want to recruit new donors in number at such highly agreeable costs it’ll force even your finance director to crack a smile.

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