The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

What would Steve Jobs do at your Nonprofit?

by James Read

James Read, creative director and copy chief at Grizzard asks, ‘What would Steve Jobs if he were CEO of your nonprofit?’ Wow your donors, obviously, but what else?

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Is Asian charity different from Western charity?


Looking for some insight into fundraising in Asia? Mitchell Hinz has some advice.

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‘The Last Word’: how copywriters can change the world

by Indra Sinha

A brilliant addition to the showcase of fine writing from acclaimed copywriter and author Indra Sinha.

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Culver Academies: by example campaign


It’s not often SOFII gets to showcase an alumni fundraising campaign and this one is an absolute cracker. This campaign managed to exceed their (already ambitious) target, not once but twice.

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How I wrote it: the Starlight Children’s Foundation emergency appeal

by Fergal Byrne & Sean Triner

In this, the fourth of a series of interviews with leading fundraising writers, Sean Triner talks with Fergal Byrne about a fundraising appeal letter he wrote on spec for the Starlight Children’s Foundation, Australia, in 2009. In this conversation Sean tells Fergal how he wrote the letter and what really matters in making sure this kind of letter is a success.

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15 things I would do if I were the new head of donor development, part 2

by Ken Burnett

These 15 strategies aren’t the only things I’d do. They may not even be the most urgent things I’d do, or even the most important. But they are the things I’d do that I think would have the most lasting impact, that would make the most difference to converting my imaginary donor development department from the under-funded, misunderstood appendage to the fundraising function that I found on joining the organization, into the finely honed, high-earning core activity that I’d like to leave behind me when, in the fullness of time, I move on to pastures new (you have to indulge me a little here, in this fantasy).

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How, precisely, do you build a better board? Part 2

by Ken Burnett

Welcome to the second and final part of this listing of what makes an effective non-profit board.

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Sample thank-you letters for you to swipe

by Lisa Sargent

Next to your fundraising appeals, your thank-you letter is the most important communication that a donor receives. So shouldn’t it sparkle with sincerity?

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Why your charity (still) needs better thank-you letters

Click to read letter 1.

by Lisa Sargent

So you’ve heard that, thanks to Lee Saunders, SOFII will champion the renaissance of the charity thank-you letter. Renaissance, you say? A lofty word, that, for the humble thank-you letter. 

But if you aim to raise money for good causes, the thank-you letter is still among your mightiest tools.

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Tossing your cookies: grassroots fundraising at its best

A great American tradition. Girl Scouts and their cookies seem to have been around forever.

by Ruthellen S. Rubin

When asked, ‘What is your earliest recollection of making a charitable donation?’, most Americans respond: ‘Buying Girl Scout cookies.’

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How, precisely, do you build a better board? Part 1

by Ken Burnett

Good governance seems to top every nonprofit’s agenda these days. Perhaps it’s also aided by the realisation that bad boards are still many fundraisers’ biggest bugbear.

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So you seriously want to be a client?

by George Smith

This playful piece from George Smith flips the traditional view of the client/agency relationship on its head and explores how things might look if charities had to do the pitching to become an agency’s client. 

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