The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

How I wrote it: the ActionAid iguana letter

by Fergal Byrne & Aline Reed

Are you sitting down to write your next appeal? In this article, Aline Reed takes you through a letter she wrote in 2005. It was part of ActionAid UK’s long-running mid-value donor programme. Aline explains her approach to writing stories that move donors to action, and offers hints and tips that will help you to do the same. 

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How I wrote it: the classic Amnesty press ads

by Indra Sinha

In this eight-minute video, legendary copywriter and author Indra Sinha reflects on the thinking behind some of the most poignant and affecting fundraising advertisements of all time. There are pearls of wisdom here for every enthusiastic communicator

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How I wrote it: the Sharp HospiceCare conversion letter

by Fergal Byrne & Tom Ahern

In the first of this SOFII series of interviews with leading fundraising writers, Fergal Byrne talks to Tom Ahern about a letter he wrote in 2002 for Sharp HospiceCare. Here Tom tells Fergal how he wrote this letter, explains his approach and takes us through the letter step by step.

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From the Myth Smashers: The long and short of the four-page fundraising letter

by Miriam Raphael

In this opinion piece, 2024 FIA Myth Smashers winner Miriam Raphael shares an e-newsletter example which backs up her personal belief that you can still get great results… both online and on one page.

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The Bruce Barton letters: 22 classic direct mail appeals

by Ken Burnett

If you are new to SOFII, or an old hand, please have a look at some great fundraising letters you’ll love. Written by Bruce Barton over many years, they are priceless examples of the craft of writing fundraising letters.

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Why should God have all the best ideas?

by Ken Burnett

Plagiarism, we all know, is the most sincere form of flattery. Why trouble to think of your own big idea, if you can steal – or, perhaps better, borrow – someone else’s?

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SOFII doesn’t have many rules but this exhibit nevertheless breaks a few of them, in that it focuses not on a charity/nonprofit but on a commercial sponsor. Still, it’s a colourful, creative idea very well executed and several charities benefited rather significantly from it. It strikes us as a sound win-win situation, a good example of both commerce/charity partnership and of charities working together.

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A ‘magic porridge pot’ for those new to major gifts – but keen to learn

book cover

by Neil Sloggie

Major gift fundraising has been the ‘next big thing’ in a number of fundraising markets around the world for far too long. By this I mean that, although there is excellent work being done in this area by some not-for-profits, too many are held back by fear and lack of understanding…

Review by Charlotte Grimshaw.

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The customers always write

A meeting

by George Smith

In 1983 George Smith was a revered columnist for the UK’s highly regarded Direct Response magazine. The first of the two articles featured here appeared way back then, shortly after the movie Chariots of Fire had come out, and was written as a direct result of one dreadful client meeting.

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Why Gift Aid isn’t working


by Barry Gower

On Monday 30 July 2007, over 100 people from all sectors of the charities world attended the first of a series of consultations on Gift Aid organised by HMRC Treasury, Office of the Third Sector and HMRC in London. There were lots of exciting and innovative suggestions from all involved and it is likely that there will be considerable changes introduced when the process is completed early in the new year.

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Pretenders to the Steward Throne

by Gordon Michie

Stewardship is the new buzzword. Everyone is talking about it. But it raises more questions than it answers.

Best known for his line in kilts and his not very hairy knees, Scotsman Gordon Michie generously shares his views on the ins and outs of Stewardship.

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Kay Grace in her own words

by Kay Grace

'I’m always being asked how I ended up in this profession! And my story, of course, is similar to that of others: I began as a fundraising volunteer while busy in another career, realized that this had passion and power for me.'
- Kay Grace

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