The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Hope not hopeless

by Charlie Hulme

Back in 2010, the plight of 33 miners in Chile was an international sensation. We were all gripped by the suspense: would the rescue attempt succeed, would they survive…? It wiped from our newspapers and television screens the devastating floods in Pakistan, described by the UN as the greatest humanitarian crisisin recent history. How could this happen? Charlie Hulme explains in his second article on storytelling.

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How I wrote it: Jules Brown talks about the Women’s Aid fundraising letter

by Fergal Byrne & Jules Brown

In Fergal Byrne’s seventh interview with leading fundraising copywriters, Jules Brown from New Zealand explains why he begins with a case study. ‘I immerse myself in the case study. For me, it forms the guts of what fundraising direct mail is all about.’ Click here to see the powerful case history he used in the featured letter that he wrote for Women’s Aid in Ireland.

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How I use SOFII: I turn to the better thank-you checklist that helps us value our donors

by Virginia Anderson

Virginia Anderson is an experienced, effective major donor fundraiser in Scotland. So why does she keep SOFII’s 17-point better thank-you letter checklist pinned close to her desk? Find out here.

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Want to get inside your donor's brain? Try storytelling


by Charlie Hulme

Emotional storytelling keeps popping up on SOFII and rightly so given its importance to fundraisers everywhere. Here we have the introduction and the first article in a series SOFII will be publishing in coming weeks on the art of storytelling, from Charlie Hulme of telemarketing agency Pell & Bales. If you care about catching your donor’s interest and imagination, read on here.

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People not numbers: emotion not reason

broken heart

by Charlie Hulme

This is the first article on SOFII's new storytelling series.

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This ad imagines donors look like dead bodies

by Jeff Brooks

Jeff Brooks thinks the people at the UN wanted us to take part in events for the millennium development goals campaign, but he’s not sure. They never actually say that. They just hint at it.

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How I wrote it: Alan Sharpe’s War Child fundraising letter.

by Fergal Byrne & Alan Sharpe

In this, the sixth of a series of interviews with leading fundraising writers, Alan Sharpe talks with Fergal Byrne about a fundraising letter written for Canadian charity War Child in 2011. During this conversation, Alan reveals the thinking that went into his letter and what really matters in making a letter a success.

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How I use SOFII: to take advantage of coming second

by Margaux Smith

Find out how enthusiastic new fundraising magpie Margaux Smith uses SOFII to learn from those who’ve been treading the fundraising boards for many a year.

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Supporter surveys: what do your supporters really think?, part 1

by Jonathon Grapsas

The first part of a three-part analysis of the benefits of annual supporter surveys.

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The first big lesson in fundraising copy

by Margaux Smith

Margaux Smith, a new and enthusiastic fundraising copywriter, tells us how hard she struggled at first. Her love of fundraising compelled her to persevere until at last she heard: ‘Perfect!’ She must have felt just great.

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How I use SOFII: Ryna Sherazi, Nepal’s lone fundraiser

by Ryna Sherazi

One of the reasons we started SOFII was to help fundraisers working in countries without a tradition of raising money for charities. Here, Ryna Sherazi, tells us how the way she uses SOFII has changed since she moved from the UK to Nepal.

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The 10 pillars of great relationships between charities and consultants


by John Lepp

I shudder when people call us consultants – the word has been dirtied by many of them. Excessive billings, talking down to, ignoring, egotism, over use of buzz words...

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