The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

15 things I would do if I were the new head of donor development, part 1

by Ken Burnett

This list came about when a US journal for fundraisers asked me to imagine I’d just started in a new job, with a clean slate and sufficient resources to set about transforming the donor development function. It’s included here to help anyone in an even vaguely similar situation. And to help me set out my philosophy of donor development.

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Philanthropy in a flat world, inspiration through globalization

by Jon Duschinsky

Here Clare McDowall, explains why this book changed her outlook and attitude to fundraising. Following Jon’s advice, she recommends throwing out the rule book and making the most of the huge opportunities (and challenges) that are facing the nonprofit sector today.

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Ask Without Fear: A simple guide to connecting donors with what matters to them most

by Marc Pitman

‘Simple but profound’ is how Joanne Fritz describes this book. She concludes that the author, Marc A Pitman has skilfully de-mystified major giving using entertaining and humorous anecdotes which leave you with a can-do attitude.

Review by Joanne Fritz.

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Surprising fundraising insight from Albert Einstein


by Sarah Bond

Albert Einstein is justly famous for his brilliant work as a theoretical scientist. His theory of general relativity fundamentally transformed science’s understanding of the origins, laws and mysteries of the physical universe. But we at SOFII believe fundraisers can learn a lot from his genius too.

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Data is gold. But only if you can get to its real value

people crowded onto a truck

by Chuck Longfield

All fundraisers know that their data is valuable. All fundraisers know that developing an existing donor is many times less costly than recruiting a new one. All fundraisers know that fundraising should be integrated, that focusing on the donor is more appropriate than on the medium of communication, that...well, that there are a lot of things we all know full well but we still don’t do the right thing by them. Data is one of these, perhaps one of the most obvious and important.

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Dislocation, dislocation...

by George Smith

No one is spared e-mails these days. Be you ever eminent or senior, most of your business messages will now come in this form. I recently winced when I saw an e-missive being sent by a young fundraiser to a prominent sponsor. And how did the missive start?

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The Fundraising Cycle: the shortest book on fundraising, ever

book cover

by Redmond Mullin

Great tips on all you need to make fundraising complete.

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We can boost donor retention. But only if we get smart

by Chuck Longfield

Chuck Longfield created a SOFII classic with his last interview Data is Gold, providing SOFII readers with free access to real fundraising gems hidden within their donor files. Today SOFII enthusiastically adds part two, an in-depth conversation with Chuck that draws out five more golden nuggets of smartness.

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George Smith: working with suppliers, part two

Writing on white board

by George Smith

Are more people working during their journey to and from the office? George Smith thinks so and says it’s because we spend too much time in meetings.. In the second part of his article on working with suppliers, he shows how to manage those meetings, how to handle the approval process and how charities can achieve a mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers.

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Twelve suggestions – and a bit more – to help you write effectively

by George Smith

No one ever felt more keenly about the English language than George Orwell. He was an enemy of cant in any form and particularly waspish about the abuse of English by politicians, bureaucrats and those in power generally. No one has ever rivalled the glittering common sense George Orwell offers us in Politics and the English Language, an essay written as long ago as 1946. I am happy to quote from it extensively because its succinctness has never been bettered.

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The Obama effect

Obama and a blackboard

by Jonathon Grapsas

Six lessons from President Obama’s fundraising team to help fuel growth in your organisation.

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How to write a better thank-you letter (and why it matters)

by Lisa Sargent

‘Dear Friend,’ the thank-you letter began... and it broke my heart. Don’t they know my name? I wondered. (It was on the cheque I sent them, after all.)

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