The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

A ‘magic porridge pot’ for those new to major gifts – but keen to learn

book cover

by Neil Sloggie

Major gift fundraising has been the ‘next big thing’ in a number of fundraising markets around the world for far too long. By this I mean that, although there is excellent work being done in this area by some not-for-profits, too many are held back by fear and lack of understanding…

Review by Charlotte Grimshaw.

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The customers always write

A meeting

by George Smith

In 1983 George Smith was a revered columnist for the UK’s highly regarded Direct Response magazine. The first of the two articles featured here appeared way back then, shortly after the movie Chariots of Fire had come out, and was written as a direct result of one dreadful client meeting.

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Why Gift Aid isn’t working


by Barry Gower

On Monday 30 July 2007, over 100 people from all sectors of the charities world attended the first of a series of consultations on Gift Aid organised by HMRC Treasury, Office of the Third Sector and HMRC in London. There were lots of exciting and innovative suggestions from all involved and it is likely that there will be considerable changes introduced when the process is completed early in the new year.

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Pretenders to the Steward Throne

by Gordon Michie

Stewardship is the new buzzword. Everyone is talking about it. But it raises more questions than it answers.

Best known for his line in kilts and his not very hairy knees, Scotsman Gordon Michie generously shares his views on the ins and outs of Stewardship.

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Kay Grace in her own words

by Kay Grace

'I’m always being asked how I ended up in this profession! And my story, of course, is similar to that of others: I began as a fundraising volunteer while busy in another career, realized that this had passion and power for me.'
- Kay Grace

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Striking ideas: fake nuns, donkeys and your strategy for the year ahead

by Richard C McPherson

A new non-profit organisation starts in America about every 10 minutes, 40,000 just last year. Or maybe it was 50,000. Even the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) isn’t exactly sure. Worthy, interesting or bizarre, they will be competing with you this year. Fortunately, they provide three valuable lessons if your organisation was started more than 10 minutes ago.

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How to grow income rapidly, at a reasonable cost, retaining donor loyalty along the way

by Ken Burnett

In Relationship Fundraising, the classic read for all fundraisers, Ken Burnett takes us carefully through the fundamentals of good fundraising. Ken reminds us that a unique relationship exists between donors and the causes they support, and shows us how to preserve and develop that relationship.

Review by Neil Sloggie.

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Ken Burnett’s two great stories.

by Ken Burnett

Here are two grainy, shaky but very inspiring stories; Gabriella’s new feet and The worst tourist in the world.

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To ask or not to ask, that is the question when saying thank you to a donor

by Lisa Sargent & Sean Triner

Find out what Sean Triner, co-founder and director, Pareto Fundraising in Australia and Lisa Sargent, principal at Sargent Communications, LLC in the USA have to say about this.

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WWF Canada: welcome pack for new donors


Learn how to engage and retain your donors from this early example of a donor-centred welcome pack. This is a very good and highly copyable example of the genre. And, most noteworthy perhaps is that this pack has been structured and written around what the donor would want, not what the organisation wants.

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Covenant House Alaska: ‘moustache march’

A bevy of likely lads with acceptable upper lip adornments all line up for the first moustache march


Covenant House helps homeless and runaway youth in Alaska. Moustache march, has brought new supporters to their cause, as well as raising much-needed funds.

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Children’s Wish Foundation: the power of a story


All nonprofits need to tell stories. Through storytelling you will build deeper connections with your supporters and, ultimately, raise more money for your cause.

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