Individual donors

What would fundraising be without donors? And what would SOFII be without a special area devoted to nurturing and developing donor relationships? Within this special space SOFII has selected and assembled a glittering array of specialist showcases in which we display a treasure trove of examples of the art and science of donor relationship development.

I wish I’d thought of… charity shop Gift Aid

by Jonathan Cook

Charity shop Gift Aid. Is it fundraising history? Is it fundraising innovation? Is it a tax loophole for good? Honestly, it’s probably all three! Jonathan Cook takes you on the somewhat strange yet fascinating journey of how charity shops began making 25 per cent more for every pound they earned by simply selling the UK’s donated goods.

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Celebrating donor recognition through history and exploring why it works

by Marina Jones

Join Marina Jones as she shares a selection of her favourite examples of donor recognition. Dating back to mediaeval times, this is a wonderful (and sometimes weird) collection of ways that donors have been recognised for their gifts. 

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Irregularity – is it the future of regular giving?

by Hannah Moysey

Recruiting regular donors, increasing engagement and reducing attrition are three things that feature in plenty of fundraising strategies. They remain a focus for good reason – all fundraisers want to help their cause with the reliable funds that a base of committed supporters brings. But what if the future of regular giving was less ‘regular’ and more ‘irregular’? 

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Hercule Van Wolfwinkle: ‘Bad’ pet portraits fundraiser

by Tony Banks

What do ‘bad’ pet portraits have to do with fundraising? Click here to read the inspiring story of how one person raised more than £200,000 for charity – simply by drawing furry friends from around the world.  

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National Trust for Scotland: ROOTS regular giving campaign

by Joe Nicholson

For membership organisations, recruiting regular givers isn’t always easy – but with a beautiful new regular giving product, the National Trust for Scotland certainly succeeded.

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Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony: ‘Adopt a penguin’

by Simone Owens

We are fundraisers, but we are often donors too. In this case study Simone Owens shares how a day out on her family holiday in New Zealand led to a very special penguin adoption... and a very memorable supporter experience. 

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Harry Perkins Institute: Habit tracker regular giving acquisition

by Paige Gibbs

The Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (aka the Perkins) revolutionised its fundraising with a superb – and successful – push to attract more regular givers. 

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Is this really the best fundraising proposition of all time? And is it good development?

by Lyndall Stein

The benefits, challenges and opportunities of child sponsorship as seen by Lyndall Stein, with additional material by Ken Burnett – two former directors of the international development charity ActionAid. 

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RSPCA: Pet First Aid Guide value exchange campaign

by Jonathon Grapsas

Discover how the RSPCA in Australia used exceptional fundraising to recruit new regular donors and save the lives of animals in New South Wales and Queensland.

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Toybox: Not just an Easter appeal

by Robbie Rae

During the coronavirus pandemic, Toybox (a charity dedicated to helping street children) came up with a clever campaign that gave their donors plenty of choice. What was the result? They raised average gift and smashed their fundraising target too.  

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Action for Children: ‘Be a Secret Santa’ digital campaign

by Lara Joyce

This campaign from Action for Children allowed donors to become a Secret Santa for vulnerable children. Working with a restricted budget, they created an online platform that was interactive, user-friendly and fun. 

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Face-to-face fundraising: Bill’s story

by Anne Marshall

Anne Marshall, Director of Field Operations for the Canada division of agency Up Fundraising, tells the inspirational tale of her friend Bill and how he is one of the best face-to-face fundraisers she’s ever met.

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