Individual donors

What would fundraising be without donors? And what would SOFII be without a special area devoted to nurturing and developing donor relationships? Within this special space SOFII has selected and assembled a glittering array of specialist showcases in which we display a treasure trove of examples of the art and science of donor relationship development.

The Foundling Hospital appeal, 1728-1745

by Tobin Aldrich

Another opportunity to be inspired by fundraisers of the past. Raffles, art gallery events and benefit concerts are common ways to raise money today. But when Thomas Coram was fundraising for the Foundling Hospital in Georgian London he employed all these methods. In fact, some might say he invented them…

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‘Behind the clock’ legacy marketing – if you aren’t doing it, perhaps you should be

by Eifron Hopper

The decision to make a will and leave a legacy is often one that takes a long while. Find out how to engage with your supporters and deliver the legacy messages that will help them to make one of the most important gifts of all.

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How to reduce F2F attrition in the first 90 days

by Charlie Hulme

Read about an important webinar to be co-hosted by DonorVoice, the Agitator and SOFII. This session will be chock-full of ‘how-to’ and tactical specifics, along with case data that will have you clamouring to put this in place yesterday.

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The hashtag - I wish I’d thought of that

by Alfredo Botti

Social media and fundraising go hand in hand, and these days there is one little symbol with the power to connect thousands of people to your cause. Of course, it's the hashtag. But why has the hashtag gone from being a neglected key on our keyboards to one we just can't afford to ignore? 

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The Connection at St Martin’s: Donate Locate

by Georgia Bridgwood

The Connection at St Martin’s ‘Donate Locate’ app is a way to help someone living on the streets when donors feel most compelled to give – the moment they see him, or her. The app will locate the person they want to help and they can make a donation confident that it is going to the right place.

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The Collection Tin

by Sam Butler

Different ways to raise money for charities nowadays are seemingly endless. Yet the humble collection tin continues to stand silently by thousands of tills in shops, pubs, or in the hands of generous volunteers. Click here to see a variety of collection boxes from years passed and be astonished at the amazing amount of money raised.

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Humber River Hospital Foundation: ‘Humbert’ heartfelt message appeal

by Craig Linton

Humbert was created by Humber River Hospital, not only to raise money, but to celebrate the generosity and kindness of their donors.

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Creating extraordinary experiences for donors

by Simone Joyaux

SOFII’s expert on board development, Simone Joyaux, takes us on a different journey. Don’t just give your donors what they think they want, she says, give them something outside their wildest dreams, give them something that makes them go ‘WOW!’

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Donor-centred fundraising – are you prepared to take a leap of faith?

by Jackie Fowler

Giving donors choices and allowing supporters to opt out of fundraising appeals are hotly debated topics in the UK right now. But one well-known UK charity has been practising both of these supposed heresies for nearly 30 years now. 

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Let’s keep in touch… What happened next

by Rachel Hunnybun

Rachel Hunnybun used to receive wonderful communications from a charity she supports, some even moved her to tears. Now they have become mediocre and dull. What on earth went wrong? Do you think it’s because they lost sight of their values when staff moved on?

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StreetDoctors: helping victims of crime


When two young medical students were talking to a group of 11 to 16 year olds they were shocked to learn that either the youngsters, or someone they knew, had been shot or stabbed. That shock led to Streetdoctors, a charity that has fundraising embedded across the entire organisation.

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Let’s keep in touch

by Rachel Hunnybun

Does your organisation miss simple opportunities to talk to your donors? Click here to see what happened when Rachel Hunnybun contacted her favourite charities to tell them she had moved home.

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