Botton Village

Donor-centred fundraising – are you prepared to take a leap of faith?

by Jackie Fowler

Giving donors choices and allowing supporters to opt out of fundraising appeals are hotly debated topics in the UK right now. But one well-known UK charity has been practising both of these supposed heresies for nearly 30 years now. 

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Botton Village: il “messaggio di Frances”


Botton Village e’ stata una vera e propria pioniere nel cosidetto “fundraising relazionale”. Questo e’ esattamente quello che un buon direct mail di raccolta fondi dovrebbe essere: sincero, coinvolgente, caldo ed estremamente convincente.

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Botton Village: varie possibilità di scelta offerte al donatore

by Tiziana Fattori

Questo questionario, dapprima molto semplice e poi con il tempo sempre più articolato, è uno dei passi fondamentali nello sviluppo della relazione con il donatore nella storia del fundraising.

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Botton Village: le mailing 'Frances'

by Jenny Craven

Botton Village était un pionnier des relations donateurs pour la collecte de fonds. Il est le publipostage pour la collecte de fonds comme il faudrait - sincère, prenant, convaincant et qui réchauffe le cœur.

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Botton Village: giving donors choices


Until Botton Village started offering its donors choices with the simple form shown opposite, donors everywhere were almost invariably not given any say in how they might be communicated with.

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Botton Village ‘Frances’ pack


Botton Village was a pioneer of relationship fundraising. This is fundraising direct mail as it should be – sincere, engaging, heart-warming and very compelling.

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