Will we see you at IWITOT 2024?

Back by pop­u­lar demand, I Wish I’d Thought of That (IWITOT) returns on Novem­ber 7th.

At IWITOT, each speak­er has just sev­en min­utes to cham­pi­on an inno­v­a­tive and excit­ing fundrais­ing cam­paign or con­cept that they wish they’d thought of them­selves. But there is a catch… all speak­ers must speak enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly about some­one else’s idea, not their own. Egos are banned for the day!

And best of all, after two won­der­ful years run­ning our hybrid event, we are head­ing back to the place where IWITOT start­ed – Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al UK’s Human Rights Action Cen­tre in London. 

You can join us in-per­son for fundrais­ing fun and a drinks recep­tion after­wards. Or you can be there online for all the live pre­sen­ta­tions and bonus interviews. 

No mat­ter if you choose to be in-per­son or online, we’d love to see you at our 12th IWITOT – so reserve your place now! Please note: in-per­son places are lim­it­ed and may sell out quickly.

Secure your place at IWITOT, before tick­ets sell out

Don’t for­get, IWITOT 2024 will be live in-per­son and online on Thurs­day, Novem­ber 7th, 2024 – from 2pm to 5pm GMT (Lon­don, UK). The event will be fol­lowed by a short drinks recep­tion for our in-per­son atten­dees from 5pm to 6pm.

If you can’t make it that day, in per­son or online, don’t wor­ry! Book your tick­et and we’ll send you a record­ing to watch at your leisure.

Every year IWITOT is a sell out event, so don’t delay.

Click here to buy your tick­ets now. 

*If you would like to send your whole team to IWITOT, or pur­chase 11+ tick­ets, please email SOFII’s direc­tor Lyn­da Har­wood-Comp­ton (lynda@​sofii.​org) to dis­cuss your bulk dis­count options.

Meet your IWITOT 2024 speak­ers, men­tors and hosts

Athar Abidi

Athar Abidi (he/him) is head of social at Cancer Research UK. With over a decade’s experience in the charity sector specialising in digital and social roles at the British Lung Foundation, Age UK, The British Heart Foundation, Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and currently at Cancer Research UK. Athar has worked on a huge range of campaigns, social activations and crisis communications challenges.

Noha Al Afifi

Noha Al Afifi (she/her) is the interim chief executive officer at Arthritis Action. She has over 18 years’ experience in marketing, communications and fundraising. Noha has worked across various sectors, including higher education, non-profits and healthcare, both in the UK and internationally. She is a trustee of National Voices, the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance, and a board member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

Holly Awcock

Holly Awcock (she/her) is a strategy director at Open. Holly is an Individual Giving specialist. She has run all manner of individual giving campaigns across both cause and prize led, and has launched multiple new regular giving products. In her role at Open, Holly loves learning each charity’s quirks, uncovering unique opportunities to inform strategies and big exciting campaigns. She’s a long-time fan of IWITOT, having been to many over the years, and is excited to be making it onto the stage.

Abena Bentum

Abena Bentum (she/her) is a dedicated fundraiser with over a decade of experience in the charity sector. As head of committed giving at Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, she has played a key role in raising millions of pounds and expanding the charity’s supporter base to the largest it’s ever been. Previously Abena worked at various advertising agencies in London, where she honed her skill in blending creativity with data-driven insights for both commercial and non-profit clients. She is a passionate advocate for the power of regular giving.

Alex Day

Alex Day (he/him) is managing director at Big Give. Alex manages the relationships with the Big Give’s match funding ‘Champion’ partners, which include trusts and foundations, companies, (ultra) high net worth individuals and public funders. Alex has worked for a number of international development and humanitarian organisations including Tearfund and Medair. He also works on a part-time basis for Reed as their director of social impact and is vice-chair of Sand Dams Worldwide, an international development charity specialising in water conservation.

James Fletcher

James Fletcher (he/him) is chair at the KFC Youth Foundation. The KFC Youth Foundation creates opportunities for young people that inspire and empower them to take control of their lives and make positive change for a positive future. James is also a trustee at John Lewis Partnership’s Golden Jubilee Trust and a senior major gifts fundraiser at Oriel College, University of Oxford – where he works with some of the college’s most significant and impactful philanthropic relationships.

Gemma Ford

Gemma Ford (she/her) is a corporate partnership development manager at Action for Children. She has been working in the charity sector for six-years, starting her career on the Charityworks Graduate Scheme. In her spare time, Gemma volunteers for The Brain Tumour Charity as an involvement champion. She also loves spending time by the sea, reading and playing badminton.

Karry Lau

Karry Lau (she/her) is a direct marketing manager at St John Ambulance. She is a communications professional with a passion for storytelling. Formerly an award-winning journalist in Hong Kong, Karry transitioned into a communications lead role, working in organisational development for a non-profit organisation. After moving to the UK, she now focuses on fundraising. At St John Ambulance, Karry uses her expertise to empower the charity to harness the power of storytelling, creating impactful direct marketing campaigns that drive donations and engagement, amplifying their life-saving missions.

Lucy Minshall-Pearson

Lucy Minshall-Pearson (she/her) is a special events manager at the Natural History Museum (NHM). She develops and delivers impactful events to deepen relationships with supporters, inspire greater engagement with NHM activities and maximise income. While Lucy has spent most of her career in the museum/visitor attraction industry, she also worked at St John Ambulance as their events and experience manager delivering events for their Philanthropy, Corporate Partnerships and Trust and Foundation team.

Manon Oliver

Manon Oliver (she/her) is a partnership manager at Oxfam. She draws on over nine years of experience in the charity sector, combining her expertise in business development with a focus on major donor and trusts and foundations fundraising. Manon excels at building strategic relationships, crafting compelling communication strategies, and developing tailored proposals that secure high value funding.

Jodie Thompson

Jodie Thompson (she/her) is a senior major gifts officer at Soi Dog Foundation and an experienced major gifts fundraiser who has worked across the animal welfare charity sector. Jodie has held previous roles at Animals Asia, Cats Protection and The Humane League UK. Her practical expertise in animal behaviour and welfare infuses her fundraising approach with a distinctive and insightful perspective. Jodie is driven by a passion for creating unforgettable donor experiences and weaving compelling stories to forge powerful, lasting connections.

Laura Webb

Laura Webb (she/her) is an account manager at Return Fundraising. She began working in the charity sector in 2019 as a telephone fundraiser and now works for a telemarketing agency that partners with charities like Freedom from Torture, FareShare and the British Red Cross. As part of Return Fundraising’s client services team, Laura oversees the account management of a variety of fundraising activities such as digital lead generation campaigns, warm calling and legacy stewardship calls. 

Laura is one of IWITOT 2024’s new voices. 

Matt Zeqiri

Matt Zeqiri (he/him) is senior partnerships manager at Chance for Childhood. He is an experienced fundraiser with a particular passion for creative proposals for international development causes and has more than a decade of experience in trusts, corporate and major donors fundraising. Matt lives in North Wales with his two children, three pigs, four chickens and three sheep. It is noisy.

Shabby Amini

Shabby Amini (she/her) is director of fundraising and marketing at Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). She has a broad background in fundraising, communications and campaigning. Her experience spans financial institutions, fashion/publishing, and charities including Comic Relief, CARE International, WaterAid and Age UK. Shabby is also board director at Greenpeace UK, a trustee for Africa Advocacy Foundation and a volunteer mentor through Family Action. 

Shabby is a former IWITOT speaker and returns for another year as one of our new voice coaches/mentors.

Andy King

Andy King (he/him) is the director of Fireside Fundraising. He is an award-winning storyteller and his passion is helping charities tell their most important stories to those with the power to change the ending. This has led him to kickstart corporate partnerships programmes from a standing start to a value of £450,000 per year in 18 months. He has also transformed existing approaches to go beyond ‘logo-led’ fundraising with St. John’s Ambulance and UNESCO. 

Andy is a former IWITOT speaker and returns this year as one of our new voice coaches/mentors.

Matt Smith

Matt Smith (he/him) is managing director at THINK, where he is responsible for staying at the forefront of the sector, understanding and analysing the latest trends and innovations, and how they impact organisations. Matt has worked in fundraising for 14 years. As a senior leader he delivered multi million pound income targets and worked with large teams of fundraisers and campaign managers. He is a passionate about digital and the power of technology to revolutionise fundraising. 

Matt is a former IWITOT speaker and returns for another year as one of our new voice coaches/mentors.

Joshua Leigh

Josh Leigh (he/him) is director and digital fundraising Specialist at Hynt. With over a decade’s experience in digital and offline fundraising, campaigning and activism, Josh Leigh has helped non-governmental organisations (NGOs) raise millions in financial support and connect countless people with the causes they care about. He now runs a digital marketing and fundraising consultancy called Hynt, where he works with amazing organisations and purpose-led brands to do the right digital things. 

Josh is a former IWITOT speaker and returns in 2024 for another year as your IWITOT host. 

Cam St-Omer Donaldson

Cam St Omer-Donaldson (she/her) is head of engagement and relationships at Fundraising Everywhere. Cam began her fundraising journey as a telephone fundraiser, then joined the British Red Cross and held many positions during her 7+ years with the charity. Cam is most proud of her ability to consistently challenge the status quo, and hopes wherever she goes she leaves nothing the same. She has been part of the organising committee at Charity So White and co-hosts Uncharitable, the UK sector conference on anti-racism and philanthropy. 

Cam is a former IWITOT winner and returns in 2024 for another year as your IWITOT host.