Charlie Hulme
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Charlie Hulme
A tale of two donors – or the ENORMOUS difference in value between ‘what’ and ‘why’

by Charlie Hulme
Charlotte and Emily are almost identical donors with very different donation histories.
Read moreAsking Properly: the art of creative fundraising

by Charlie Hulme
Charlie Hulme asks you to use the quotes in his review of George Smith’s seminal work Asking Properly: the Art of Creative Writing as a mirror. If you despair at times, don’t worry; if you see where you’re going wrong Asking Properly will put it right.
Read moreDo we really need another book on storytelling?

by Charlie Hulme & Rob Woods & Joe Jenkins
An important new book about storytelling is given a special review from not just one, not just two but three of the UK's most eminently qualified reviewers.
Read moreForcing or forging a relationship? Part 1: understanding your donors

by Charlie Hulme
This, the first of a three-part feature by Charlie Hulme, managing director, DonorVoice UK, kicks off an important new series for SOFII. Based upon evidence and experience rather than theory and opinion, Charlie’s first article spells out the crucial necessity of really understanding what your donors want from their relationship with you and your cause.
Read moreForcing or forging a relationship? Part 2: what makes a relationship?

by Charlie Hulme
If Pret A Manager, Pizza Express, or Starbucks were losing even half the amount of customers as we are they’d go out of business, says Charlie Hulme. And here he explains how we can be even better at customer, or rather, donor service than they are – and keep our donors from deserting us.
Read moreForcing or forging a relationship? Part 3: how to measure a relationship

by Charlie Hulme
You are only nine questions away from unlocking enormous value from your current donor file. Nine questions that represent the beginning of the end of inevitable donor churn.
Read moreForcing or forging a relationship? Part 4: how to manage a relationship

by Charlie Hulme
Everything you do has an influence on your donors' connections with you. This in turn helps or harms their commitment to you. Charlie Hulme has already shown how to measure this, now he shows you how to take it a step further and actually manage the relationship.
Read moreForcing or forging a relationship? Part 5: what’s your real message? Or, how to be relevant

by Charlie Hulme
Do you really know your donors? Do you know why they give you money? Does it matter? Yes, says Charlie Hulme. If we want to keep our donors so expensively recruited we have to make sure our messages are relevant to what they want. We can’t do that if we don’t know what that is.
Read moreHope not hopeless

by Charlie Hulme
Back in 2010, the plight of 33 miners in Chile was an international sensation. We were all gripped by the suspense: would the rescue attempt succeed, would they survive…? It wiped from our newspapers and television screens the devastating floods in Pakistan, described by the UN as the greatest humanitarian crisisin recent history. How could this happen? Charlie Hulme explains in his second article on storytelling.
Read moreHow to get from Good Intentions to a Great Supporter experience – and retention

by Charlie Hulme
In his second of two articles on how charities operate, Charlie Hulme looks at supporter journeys. All charities like to use the right words like ‘commitment’, but are they actually delivering results? When they do things right, the results can be outstanding, as Charlie demonstrates.
Read moreHow to reduce F2F attrition in the first 90 days

by Charlie Hulme
Read about an important webinar to be co-hosted by DonorVoice, the Agitator and SOFII. This session will be chock-full of ‘how-to’ and tactical specifics, along with case data that will have you clamouring to put this in place yesterday.
Read moreI wish I’d thought of SOFII

by Charlie Hulme
Charlie Hulme blows SOFII’s trumpet as he berates fundraisers for, among other things, a shocking lack of vocation. But is he right? We couldn’t possibly comment, of course. The views of the author are, quite obviously, solely his own...
Read moreOther people: together not separate

by Charlie Hulme
In his latest article on storytelling, Charlie Hulme, says, ‘If you want people to donate, make sure they know that others are. Don’t ask them to join at the starting line, show them the finish line – show them the money.’
Read morePeople not numbers: emotion not reason

by Charlie Hulme
This is the first article on SOFII's new storytelling series.
Read moreRethinking the way we think

by Charlie Hulme
A review of Dan Pallotta’s TED talk, The way we think about charity is dead wrong.
Read moreThe truth about storytelling: leaders not followers

by Charlie Hulme
Charlie’s final article in his series on telling stories might surprise you and may even make you laugh out loud.
Read moreThinking of investing in segmentation? Be careful of these common and costly mistakes

by Charlie Hulme
For all charities, successfully identifying and profiling donors is crucial, but Charlie Hulme has identified five mistakes we too often make in the process. In the first of two articles, Charlie examines these errors and points to a different way of doing things.
Read moreWant to get inside your donor's brain? Try storytelling

by Charlie Hulme
Emotional storytelling keeps popping up on SOFII and rightly so given its importance to fundraisers everywhere. Here we have the introduction and the first article in a series SOFII will be publishing in coming weeks on the art of storytelling, from Charlie Hulme of telemarketing agency Pell & Bales. If you care about catching your donor’s interest and imagination, read on here.
Read moreWhat are the three missing pieces of data standing between our sector and success?

by Charlie Hulme
In this blog post connected to the Commission on the Donor Experience Project 3, Charlie Hulme sets out two facts that could be the difference between the fundraising sector prospering or disappearing altogether.
Read more