The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Lessons from the Annual Lectures: Emily Henry’s view

by Emily Henry

Emily Henry, also a winner, says that the Annual Lectures was full of inspiring, thought-provoking insights into what fundraising is currently, where it is going and how it can improve. If you were one of the unfortunate souls who missed this event, she lists here her top 10 lessons – the ones you just have to know!

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The six essential building blocks of fundraising success

by Roewen Wishart

A fundraising text from Australia is unusual, says Roewenn Wishart. Read his review of Yes You Can Fund It by Shannon Anderson, which he says is well worth reading whether you’re new to fundraising or an old hand.

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What’s next in fundraising? Part 2

by Gemma Walder

Gemma Walder, one of the winners of our essay competition to attend the Revolutionise Annual Lectures in London at the end of 2014, tells us what she thinks will be the next big thing for fundraising – the one thing that will give your supporters such a fantastic experience that they’ll want to introduce you to all their friends.

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Lessons from the Annual Lectures: Gemma Walder’s view

by Gemma Walder

It isn’t only those gifted scientists who frequent London’s Royal Institution who can lead an experiment that will change the world. Fundraisers can too. And it starts with us all simply thinking... if not me, then who, if not now, then when? Click here to read Gemma Walder’s detailed account of this year’s Annual Fundraising Lectures held in London, on December 4th. 

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M​usings of a direct response fundraiser no. 2: finding the ‘sweet spot’

by Jonathon Grapsas

Our job as fundraisers is to find the sweet spot: an amount that is appropriate to that donor at that time. In his second article on the musings of a direct response fundraiser Jonathon Grapsas shows exactly how to do it.

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Relationship fundraising and marketing: friends or foes?

by Roewen Wishart

The dispute about relationship fundraising has been raging for years and seems to go on and on. Surely now it is time to step back and examine the different arguments for and against because surely we all just want to do the best we can to make the world a better place.

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What’s next in fundraising?

by Emily Henry

SOFII and The Agitator joined forces with Revolutionise to identify, foster and develop new journalistic talent in fundraising. We offered five free places for the 2014 Annual Lectures to aspiring fundraising writers, who submitted a short piece on ‘what’s next in fundraising?’ Here’s one of the winning entries…

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Forcing or forging a relationship? Part 2: what makes a relationship?

by Charlie Hulme

If Pret A Manager, Pizza Express, or Starbucks were losing even half the amount of customers as we are they’d go out of business, says Charlie Hulme. And here he explains how we can be even better at customer, or rather, donor service than they are – and keep our donors from deserting us.

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Board chairs

by Simone Joyaux

How to make sure that the chair of your board is neither good, bad,or indifferent, but absolutely great!

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United Way for Southeast Michigan (UWSEM): lessons from a $27.1 million corporate gift

by Marie Burnett

United Way successfully shifted their fundraising model from transactional to relational and from obligation giving to inspired giving. In the process they turned around a five year trend of decreasing contributions from workforce campaigns with the largest donation to a single project.

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It won't work here!

by Matthew Sherrington

Matthew Sherrington is depressed and losing patience with fundraisers who won't try a different idea.

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Forcing or forging a relationship? Part 1: understanding your donors

by Charlie Hulme

This, the first of a three-part feature by Charlie Hulme, managing director, DonorVoice UK, kicks off an important new series for SOFII. Based upon evidence and experience rather than theory and opinion, Charlie’s first article spells out the crucial necessity of really understanding what your donors want from their relationship with you and your cause.

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