The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Assessing your board’s governance capacity

by Simone Joyaux

If you need to do individual assessments of each member of your board, but aren’t sure how to go about it Simone Joyaux shows you the route to optimum board performance.

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SOFII’s June must-reads

by Pamela Grow & Craig Linton

There are some great things for you in this month’s must-reads, including why we fundraisers must stop the madness of ‘churn and burn’ direct mail, what you can do if you are trying to raise money for what some call an ‘unworthy’ cause. And the Agitator with a simple twist on making your stories compelling for your donors.

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The power of passion

by Per Stenbeck

In this moving personal account veteran fundraiser Per Stenbeck explains and introduces why passion underpins innovation for him. In the accompanying text below he then goes on to outline his three golden rules of fundraising.

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Recession-proof fundraising: How to fundraise out of bad times


by Marc Pitman

​Turn on any news show and you’ll hear analysts and pundits forecasting economic doom and gloom. Their reports are filled with words and phrases like ‘economic downturn’, ‘soft economy’ and the dreaded ‘recession’.

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A day with the jam ladies

Stirring jam

by Kimberley MacKenzie

In our first entry of this new inspiring showcase, Kimberley Mackenzie from Ontario Nature, Canada, shares her holiday memories and how one moving and touching day reminded her of the essential values of good fundraising and how to change the world.

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Top 10 tips for retaining fundraisers

Happy Fundraisers can climb any mountain.

by Frances Hurst

You can hardly pick up a newspaper these days without reading how wonderful it is to work for a charity.

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Words count: Why fundraisers have to change what they say and how they say it

‘Following a set process will no longer produce a predictably positive result.' Bob Levy

by Bob Levy

Over the last decade, the direct marketing industry has been smitten by data base gurus who have touted the segmentation of donor files as a process akin to the magical mystery tour.

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The dangers of requests for proposal

leonard nimoy as spock

by Roger Craver

This week legendary Agitator Roger Craver joins in with his opinion on the ‘request for proposal’. And he’s not pulling any punches about what he believes is ‘...among the Great idiocies of our nonprofit world’. Click here to see more and to find out what he does admire and praise.

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Rethinking the way we think

Dan Pallotta delivers his TED talk.

by Charlie Hulme

A review of Dan Pallotta’s TED talk, The way we think about charity is dead wrong.

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Reasons to be cheerful: the 2013 Charity Pulse survey

by Frances Hurst

Now from Frances Hurst we learn that fundraisers in the UK have reasons to be cheerful. The recent Charity Pulse survey shows that UK fundraisers have resumed their previous position among the happiest of charity employees.

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I wish I’d thought of SOFII

cat and mirror

by Charlie Hulme

Charlie Hulme blows SOFII’s trumpet as he berates fundraisers for, among other things, a shocking lack of vocation. But is he right? We couldn’t possibly comment, of course. The views of the author are, quite obviously, solely his own...

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New research shows how charities can create remarkable corporate partnerships

This year Innocent and Age UK are aiming to knit one million hats.

by Remarkable Partnerships

Remarkable Partnerships, a new report from Jonathon Andrews shows that when charities and companies partner in a remarkable way they deliver huge impact, have wider reach, create more opportunities and last longer. Read SOFII’s summary here. Then get the full report, free.

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