The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Relationship fundraising ignite, part 2

by Craig Linton

In the second part of our Relationship Fundraising Ignite series: the Commission for the Donor Experience, how to build a relationship with donors by asking three questions, and how the Terrence Higgins Trust used relationship fundraising.

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Cancer Research UK: Slimming World Big Clothes Throw partnership

by Marie Burnett

This is a case history of a fantastic partnership between Cancer Research UK and Slimming World – the Big Slimming World Clothes Throw. Going since 2013, this campaign allows Slimming World members to celebrate slimming success by donating their ‘before’ clothes to CRUK charity shops. This has generated over £5 million worth of stock for the shops, whilst also highlighting the issues of obesity and related cancers. All with minimal investment on the charity’s part!

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Why so many organisations fail at Facebook

by Beate Sørum

Beate Sorum thinks that if Facebook isn’t working for your organisation, she is willing to bet that it is not Facebook’s fault – it’s yours.

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Relationship fundraising ignite, part 1

by Craig Linton

After the events of the past year in UK fundraising, relationship fundraising is once again a hot topic.

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Five big reasons your fundraising results could be better

by Rachel Beer

Rachel Beer asks what are the big things that make the really big differences to your fundraising results?

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Relationship Fundraising ignited – why it’s relevant today

by Richard Turner

In the first of a new series, Richard Turner asks if the book is still relevant in today’s world and what lessons it has for current fundraisers? 

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Enabling volunteers to do the right stuff

by Simone Joyaux

Simone Joyaux is determined to help nonprofits get their governance right. In her latest article for SOFII she writes about the importance of enabling your volunteers.

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A tale of two donors – or the ENORMOUS difference in value between ‘what’ and ‘why’

by Charlie Hulme

Charlotte and Emily are almost identical donors with very different donation histories.

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How to nurture happy fundraisers

by Sarah Clifton

 How do we ensure that, as experienced fundraisers, we are helping to nurture happy colleagues?

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Why I am not a fan of welcome packs

by Margaux Smith

 ‘They spent my entire first month’s gift on this stupid pack and I don’t really feel thanked at all’.

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Following the fold

by Lyndall Stein

Lyndall Stein shows that you're never too old to learn some new tricks and passes on some fundraising tips for the young from the old.

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Harold Sumption: the shy pioneer

by Joanna Culling

In this addition to SOFII’s Fundraising Legends series, Joanna Culling talks to Ken Burnett, who proudly shares the full text of Harold’s only published material – Yesterday’s trail-blazing and pointers for tomorrow

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