The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Introducing the Commission on the Donor Experience


This summer fundraising in the UK has been under attack like never before with alarming consequences in damaged trust and loss of public confidence for Britain’s charities. Now a large group of voluntary sector leaders is coming together to do something about it.

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Do you want to increase your fundraising income by spending a tenner?

by Laura Croudace

If you are looking for a fundraising mentor, you won’t go wrong with this book says Laura Croudace in her review of Rob Woods new work, The Fundraiser Who Wanted More.

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How often in life do you have total satisfaction?

by Lyndall Stein

This remarkable article from Lyndall Stein that describes the fundraising campaign she and other volunteers organised for the African National Congress when South Africa was in the grip of apartheid.

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Brand cops mandate stupid Haiti ad

by Jeff Brooks

It would be best not to follow this example of fundraising for the disaster in Haiti. Or so Jeff Brooks thinks.

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Hey Mr Fundraiser: stop asking your board members to trespass

by Simone Joyaux

Always outspoken, Simone Joyaux doesn’t let us down this week when she tells a reluctant board member: ‘If you’re not willing to do the work, get off our board. Go away’. But she also gives sound advice on how to get the very best from our boards.

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What would grandma say?

by Peter Goudkamp

Not so long ago I asked staff of the communication and fundraising department at a certain large charity if they were actually supporting their own cause. Only 22 per cent actually did. So I asked myself, ‘What would my grandmother say of this?’

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What can fundraisers learn from product marketing?

by Sarah Clifton

Sarah Clifton says, yes, you can learn from product marketing. Applying a commercial marketing checklist to our fundraising strategy can give us some valuable insights about the way that our donors experience our service.

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The seven deadly sins of fundraising appeals and how to avoid them

by Rachel Beer

Rachel Beer shares some top tips and advice on what she’s learnt about individual giving.

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Major gifts: fundraising from the frontlines

by Rebecca Davies

In this article Rebecca Davies tells us how golfing has helped to improve her major gift fundraising.

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The next big thing in fundraising is closer than you think

by Alison McCants

If you’re wondering what the next big thing in fundraising then here are some thought-provoking words from Alison McCants.

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Forcing or forging a relationship? Part 5: what’s your real message? Or, how to be relevant

by Charlie Hulme

Do you really know your donors? Do you know why they give you money? Does it matter? Yes, says Charlie Hulme. If we want to keep our donors so expensively recruited we have to make sure our messages are relevant to what they want. We can’t do that if we don’t know what that is.

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Why I support 12 different charities

by Laura Croudace

How can you learn and improve if your training budget is titchy? Get out and donate says Laura Croudace, who wants a steady stream of fundraising pouring through her letterbox because she learns so much from it. And all those donations are still cheaper than most seminars and workshops.

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