The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Results from the International Gift Planning Survey

by Andy Levy-Ajzenkopf

Earlier this week Charity Village published a cover story on their initiative with GiveGreen Canada, the legacies survey report. It contains some interesting and even startling conclusions about the state of legacies promotion among nonprofits worldwide. We have re-produced the article on our site for you to read.

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Graphic design style guide with examples

by Julia Reich

Ever wondered which logo you’re supposed to use from the many, ever-so slightly different versions saved on your database? Ever wondered if it really matters? It does; and design consultant Julia Reich is here to tell you why.

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How to be a fundraising hedgehog

by Damian O’Broin

We first published this entry in SOFII’s blog in 2013. We’re not only reproducing it here because we love the title, but also because the answer to the three challenging questions Damian O’Broin poses will be an important tool for the future of fundraising for your charity. And when you’ve found the one thing that can answer all three then you’ve got yourself a hedgehog. So now you just need to read Damian’s article to find out what to do with it...

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SOFII blog: getting along – conflicts among staff

by Kirsten Bullock

Fundraisers are the most important people in a charity. No? SOFII blogger Kirsten Bullock explores this commonly held belief and identifies other areas of conflict between fundraising staff and, well, just about everyone else in the organisation who’s not a fundraiser. She suggests several remedies that could help you build stronger, more effective collaborative relationships.

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Is your logo effective? Tips to evaluate your visual identity

by Julia Reich

As principal of Julia Reich Design, Julia knows all that’s worth knowing about brand strategy, graphic and web design. For the second part of our fundraiser’s toolkit she’s back with tips on how to make sure your logo is representing your charity the best way it can.

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The Effectiveness Project: fundraisers – take notice soon!

by Steven Shattuck

The latest infographic from Bloomerang has some alarming data from the Urban Institute in the USA. Isn’t it time that charities took some notice?

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Top twelve tips for pattern breaking

by Lucy Gower

In this article, innovation manager, Lucy Gower shares her practical tips and lessons on how to increase your inspiration and widen your connections. Why not take note and break some of your established patterns in the new year?

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Are you unintentionally turning away donors?

by Elaine Fogel

In this article, nonprofit marketing expert, Elaine Fogel reminds us that a charity's donors are its lifeline and highlights three key areas you should be looking at to make sure you're welcoming them with open arms and not unintentionally turning them away.

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How to transform your brainstorm sessions


by John Grain

Fundraising specialist, John Grain, gives some really practical advice on how to get the best out of your brainstorms.

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An ABC of direct response

by Jonathon Grapsas

This article is a fantastic ‘what’s what?’ of direct response fundraising and is a priceless resource for all those just starting out and a great checklist for those who have been around a little longer.

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Five ‘must dos’ of bequest fundraising

by Fiona McPhee

In this helpful breakdown of how to set out a legacy fundraising strategy, Fiona insists that it is not just the big brand charities that have the potential to develop a significant legacy income and provides step-by-step advice on how to increase legacy-gifts for your organisation.

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Seven steps to generating donor response

Photo of 7 steps

by Jan Chisholm

In this article Jan generously shares with SOFII readers the results of her long search, with seven steps she believes the very best fundraising approaches take to assure success. Does your next appeal have them all?

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