The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

Verity four: you are high-touch, low-tech

by Jerold Panas

If we lose the personal touch fundraising becomes just a business, not a ministry.

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Could this be the sea change that fundraising really needs?

book cover

by Penelope Burk

Game-changing books don’t come along often, so this could be the most important book about fundraising that you’ll buy in what, as Penelope Burk comprehensively illustrates, is likely to be your all-too-short and under-fulfilled career.

Reviewed for SOFII by Ken Burnett.

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Verity three: you are a communicator

by Jerold Panas

Your first task is to be the trumpet that sounds a clear and dramatic sound.

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Verity two: success is always coupled with perseverance

by Jerold Panas

The highest level of success depends on the courage to pursue the chase with diligence.

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Verity one: you have great joy in what you are doing

by Jerold Panas

Success is due less to years of experience than to ardour for the work.

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Introducing: the verities

by Jerold Panas

An introduction to Jerold Panas’ fundraising verities.

Each important, many a virtual strike of lightning. 

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Synecdoche, synecdoche…we all fall down

by George Smith

George again takes up the baton for fine writing. Or does he when he encourages you, the fundraiser, to grab the word ‘synecdoche’.? What in the name of sanity is that?

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‘Who says that, these days, off-the-page donor recruitment can’t be massively profitable?’

by Ken Burnett

This candid exposé shares with you the inside story of a remarkable acquisition success, though it took such to-ing and fro-ing to achieve it that SOFII lost one of its star acts for the epic Once Upon I Wish I’d Thought Of That. Despite this sad story Indra Sinha’s experience shows that a former fundraising faithful is far, far from finished. And that fine writing is still worth its weight in gold.

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Who pays the tab at a meeting with a donor?


by Marc Pitman

During a recent coaching call, my client asked me to walk her step-by-step through an upcoming meeting with a donor. I love doing this!

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Four tips that can help land corporate donations

Community is very important to both companies and their employees.

by Robert Bellovin

Raising money from commercial organisations is a bit like Marmite – you either love it, or hate it. But you can’t deny it that it does raise money. If you’re thinking about putting a toe in the water – check out this article that is full of advice for practitioners on how to go about it.

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Top tips to get the best from your agency - part 3

by Gill McLellan

Part three of Gill McLennan's insight into how the best relationships are managed and she shares more tips on how to get the most from your agency, as well as your colleagues, to ensure your project is the best it can be.

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The UK donor commitment study. And why it could be worth thousands of pounds to you and your cause

by Ken Burnett

An open letter from SOFII’s managing trustee announcing a free SOFII/ Agitator webinar of some importance.

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