The main areas of fundraising

Mencap: Christmas appeal


This is a colourful, well-designed appeal that makes very good use of an attractive and appropriate involvement device to raise more money – and make donors feel good.

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Muscular Dystrophy Group: envelope test


In tests, when groups of fundraisers were asked, ‘which of these five envelopes do you think would provoke the best response?’, they almost invariably opted for the letter that looks most like a letter from a friend.

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Womankind Worldwide: donor recruitment mailing

13 year-old bride Aberash, from the front page of the leaflet.


This high quality direct mail package cleverly involves donors in delivering support and practical encouragement to a real individual.

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RSPCA New South Wales: project Guardian Angel


This is a charming appeal with wonderful photography and a great one-off proposition. Milo (that’s him opposite) could have been adopted several times over just by the SOFII office alone!

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Lawrence Park Community Church: appeal for a sign


When the church needed a sign the preacher didn’t ask God, instead he appealed to his parishioners and lo, a sign was forthcoming. More appropriately, the preacher set his sights on one single parishioner.

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Greenpeace UK’s ‘forget it’ pack reactivation mailings


It’s easy now to forget that as recently as 20 years ago giving by direct debit was a comparative rarity. The paradigm for most fundraisers with large donor bases was the annual renewal cycle. This is the first mailing from a particularly good example of a renewal series, from Greenpeace UK.

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Longwood Gardens direct mail membership acquisition pack


Colourful and creatively appealing, this package is also a textbook example of good direct mail acquisition practice.

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Greenpeace Frontline: launch of a high level monthly giving scheme

by Charlotte Grimshaw

This was an early monthly giving scheme by Greenpeace UK. Within a short while, one fifth of all its income was coming from Frontline members.

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The National Campaign for Tolerance: The Wall of Tolerance appeal

by Mal Warwick

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hugely impressive organisation. It’s also an organisation that many donors feel most passionately about. This is one of the most moving and long-lasting donor involvement campaigns in the USA and represents some of the best that the direct marketer’s art can produce.

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Strømme Foundation: ‘poverty buster’ (‘fattigdomsbekjemper’)

A special group with a special mission. The ‘poverty busters’ get access to their own website, merchandise and activities.


Strømme Foundation is an innovative Norwegian charity working to fight poverty in the developing world. The scheme is an imaginative way of engaging younger donors.

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Children’s Wish Foundation: the power of a story


All nonprofits need to tell stories. Through storytelling you will build deeper connections with your supporters and, ultimately, raise more money for your cause.

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The Shires of Wood Green


An interesting take on animal sponsorship, created for an organisation that is fortunate to have a very attractive and substantial animal shelter in an attractive setting deep in the English countryside, where it is able to create a special world for regular donors.

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