The main areas of fundraising

RNLI: the legacy letter


This is a classic example of a direct appeal to supporters, asking for information that will help plan future income. The candid, plain-speaking, respectful copy reminds supporters that RNLI relies heavily on legacies to fund their work. You can read the whole thing here.

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Station WDCN, Nashville, USA: special ‘thank you’ to a donor


A fundraiser really listening to her donor, thinking on her feet and responding in an entirely appropriate and personal manner with a communication that any donor would be delighted to receive.

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Greenpeace Sweden’s legacy commercials


Colourful cartoon characters present the threats to their environment and set up a conversation about legacies for Greenpeace in Sweden. It’s all about trying new things and taking risks, which too many organisations shy away from. Greenpeace International has developed a structure to make them possible.

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Children’s Cancer Institute of Australia: bequest conversion pack


This very detailed exhibit shows clearly how to ask donors and potential donors for the biggest gift they’ll ever make – a legacy. The campaign achieved brilliant results and stands out in the charity sector as an example of good bequest (legacy) marketing. It showed that asking someone for a bequest doesn’t have to be daunting and risky, as long as it is done in a sensitive, respectful manner that offers an emotive and compelling case for support.

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Is this the future of fundraising; giving donors direct control over where their money goes, instant feedback and the flexibility to decide what they will support, when and how? is an exemplary use of new technology to bring new donors (and a new generation of donors) into charity to help meet urgent needs.

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Great Ormond Street Hospital: legacy marketing 1856


Why is it that the giving and receipt of legacies figured strongly in Victorian literature, yet is largely absent today? The announcement in the annual report of The Hospital for Sick Children (later Great Ormond Street Hospital) appeared just four years after the hospital was founded, but it was already obvious that gifts of legacies would be very important to the health and development of the hospital.

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RSPB: brand stretch work


Ten brilliant images designed to inspire and introduce new audiences to the work of one of Britain’s premier conservation organisations.

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Kelvingrove refurbishment appeal: capital campaign


Find out how this great, superbly well planned capital campaign was executed with such great style and character that it exceeded its target by more than two times.

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Los Angeles County Museum of Art: capital campaign


How direct mail and the phone together can secure massive support from lower dollar donors. By following the approach described here, nonprofit organisations that find it difficult to reach very wealthy donors can supplement their capital campaign.

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HomeFront’s virtual gala: ‘Don’t Save the Date. Just Save the World.’

The invitation leaflet.


The offer is simple: for your next charity fundraiser, save money and hassle and stay at home. You save on catering and save the planet, just by staying at home.

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RSPCA New South Wales: cupcake day



The brilliant thing about this idea is that the supporters do most of the work and they have a great time too.

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Covenant House Alaska: ‘moustache march’

A bevy of likely lads with acceptable upper lip adornments all line up for the first moustache march


Covenant House helps homeless and runaway youth in Alaska. Moustache march, has brought new supporters to their cause, as well as raising much-needed funds.

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