
Sense: A magical Christmas appeal from Teddy


In 2012, Sense and Bluefrog shared the creative and results from a super direct mail campaign that was sent to individual donors. It proved that, if used properly, direct mail appeals to your supporters can and will achieve great results for your charity. Read on and pick up some ideas for your next festive campaign. 

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Il magico Natale di Sense: un messaggio speciale da Teddy

by Emma Lubrina

Ecco il case study di Sense che dimostra come il direct mailing non sia morto, ne’ tanto meno inutile. Al contrario pu’ essere produttivo e, se utilizzato in modo corretto, portare risutlati significativi all’Organizzazione.

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Sense’s brilliant style for face-to-face fundraising


Imagine the dark and silent world of a deaf and blind child. That's what Sense's street fundraisers asked passers-by to do. Those who stopped to listen were treated to a charming, evocative story that eased them effortlessly into the charity's case for support.

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