Foundations of Fundraising

Giving Scotland: crisis campaign


The Giving Scotland campaign was launched in the face of intense scrutiny of charities in Scotland but this courageous campaign changed everything.

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Breakthrough: the ‘is this justice’ campaign

Powerful hard-hitting images and messages characterise the Breakthrough campaign.


This is a brave campaign that fearlessly speaks out against social injustice in societies where such issues are rarely discussed, far less confronted.

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Amnesty International press advertisement - North Korea’s death camps

by Ken Burnett

A challenge. Start reading. If you make it to the end you’ll know what to do next.

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Bhopal Medical Appeal: press advertisements

by Indra Sinha

On one awful night in 1984 the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India exploded sending clouds of poisonous gas across the city that would kill tens of thousands of people and inflict misery and suffering on future generations. Thus began the Bhopali people’s search for justice and treatment, which led to the founding of the BMA, whose advertisements have become the symbols of a crime that, more than 25 years later, still inflicts unimaginable suffering and still goes unpunished. The Bhopal Medical Appeal campaigns to change this, through its fundraising.

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CPAR: ‘plant a tree in Ethiopia’ mailing


Ethiopia has to be one of the most difficult fundraising markets in the world. Yet this pack produced results that most more sophisticated fundraisers can only dream of.

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Magic moments: The founding of Cripplegate Foundation and North London Cares

by Aline Reed & Ken Burnett

There is a lot going on in this addition to SOFII’s founding magic moments. It has a wonderful ghost story and is a great example of a consistent donor relationship that has lasted over 500 years. And it shows how philanthropy moves on, changes and can help younger organisations do the same. 

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Ryton Gardens: recyclable mailing


Ryton Garden’s famous recyclable mailing is one of the best ever examples of the benefits fundraisers can realise when they show that they really understand their donors.

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How effective are your board members?

by Simone Joyaux

There’s a big difference between the board and its board members. Remember that the board does corporate governance – and that only happens when the board is together at meetings. Corporate governance is a collective act.

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What do you talk about at your board meetings?

by Simone Joyaux

Wait! Don’t answer that yet. Instead, let’s start at the very beginning: what is the purpose of a board?

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Why have a board?

by Simone Joyaux

You have to have a board. That’s what the law says. Any other reason? Well, having a board really does add value – more value than just raising or giving money.

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Involving your board members in fundraising, part one

by Simone Joyaux

Sometimes it’s a struggle to get the board to carry out its fundraising role. Often it’s even harder to get individual members to participate; even if they understand their roles, they don’t want to do ‘that fundraising stuff’.

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A fundraising challenge to raise money for a legendary expedition

by Aline Reed

Aline Reed comes up with another gem of fundraising memorabilia, this from the roaring twenties. Click here to see a wonderful idea that raised the funds to reach the top of Everest for the first time.

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