Top tips & how tos

The focus in this section is on practical ‘how to’ lists. Here the world's leading fundraisers share the distilled wisdom of their experience in digestible bite-sized nuggets that you can use immediately.

M​usings of a direct response fundraiser no. 2: finding the ‘sweet spot’

by Jonathon Grapsas

Our job as fundraisers is to find the sweet spot: an amount that is appropriate to that donor at that time. In his second article on the musings of a direct response fundraiser Jonathon Grapsas shows exactly how to do it.

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Forcing or forging a relationship? Part 2: what makes a relationship?

by Charlie Hulme

If Pret A Manager, Pizza Express, or Starbucks were losing even half the amount of customers as we are they’d go out of business, says Charlie Hulme. And here he explains how we can be even better at customer, or rather, donor service than they are – and keep our donors from deserting us.

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Pareto Fundraising: Sean’s automated out-of-office email message

by Sean Triner

Sean Triner’s out-of-office bounce-back is brilliant and simple as well as easy to steal, right now.

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Forcing or forging a relationship? Part 1: understanding your donors

by Charlie Hulme

This, the first of a three-part feature by Charlie Hulme, managing director, DonorVoice UK, kicks off an important new series for SOFII. Based upon evidence and experience rather than theory and opinion, Charlie’s first article spells out the crucial necessity of really understanding what your donors want from their relationship with you and your cause.

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Ten easy fixes for the design of your donation form

by Beate Sørum

Beate Sorum shares digital how-tos, things to do and not to do and 10 tips to make your online donation form work much better.

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Reader knowledge, real voices, great stories and big points of view

by Elizabeth Loudon

Writer Liz Loudon shares the difference between really writing to move donors, or just typing.

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Top 10 tips for retaining fundraisers

Happy Fundraisers can climb any mountain.

by Frances Hurst

You can hardly pick up a newspaper these days without reading how wonderful it is to work for a charity.

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Richard Turner’s great story

by Richard Turner

Richard Turner's advice for all fundraisers is to have a great story to tell. And the place to start looking for it is among all the people who benefit from the cause you fundraise for.

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The seven elements of proposition: how to get your story across

by John Grain

In this article, fundraising specialist, John Grain tells us of seven critical things to remember when telling your fundraising story. Using this checklist and the simple exercises he suggests, you can make your story compelling, engaging and effective, giving you the very best chance of success.

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Building a bridge between the hard and soft side of legacy giving, for you and your donors

by Kimberley MacKenzie

In her thought-provoking article, Kimberley MacKenzie, fundraising director at Ontario Nature, Canada, identifies the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ side of planned giving.

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Five ways to ‘Harry Potterise’ your Internet and direct mail appeals…. and get donors giving when times are tough

Harry Potter

by Nicole Schmidt

Nicole Schmidt is convinced that we should all be copying J K Rowling by telling our stories they way she told Harry Potter’s. Ms Rowling, of course, sold millions of books and made a huge amount of money. Will we fundraisers raise millions for our causes if we adopt her techniques?

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How would you kick-start your ‘nonprofit’ career as a consultant

An aeroplane

by Sudeshna Mukherjee

Do you sincerely want to be a consultant? Don’t know how to go about it? Sudeshna Mukherjee has spoken to several giants from the world of consultancy and gives their valuable insights here.

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