Top tips & how tos

The focus in this section is on practical ‘how to’ lists. Here the world's leading fundraisers share the distilled wisdom of their experience in digestible bite-sized nuggets that you can use immediately.

Five acquisition tests: you choose the winner

by Willis Turner

Sometimes when we test packages we’re actually testing theories.

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Demographic trends: ten reasons why we’re not the way we were

by Dr Judith E. Nichols

Here are ten jaw-dropping demographic trends, according to Cheryl Russell, editorial director of New Strategist Publications, in American Consumers Newsletter, 8 January 2008, that make us different from the way we used to be – and what they tell us about our future. While the statistics may be based on Americans, the trends are fairly universal in developed societies.

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Five lessons learned from higher education fundraising

by David Hazeltine

My agency, Yellowfin Direct Marketing, works mainly with fundraising professionals in development, alumni relations, and marketing. Though classed together as a single group, the differences between these institutions – from small, private colleges to large, public universities – can be vast. This, along with the differences between the various constituents of these institutions – alumni versus parents versus faculty and staff versus community – creates many challenges and opportunities for which we have provided and tested solutions.

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NSPCC – a new approach to legacy training

by Adrian Salmon

Innovative angles on the fundraiser’s ‘pot of gold’, byJacqueline Gunn, NSPCC legacy marketing fundraiser and Victoria Stephenson, NSPCC development manager.

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Get positive: you know you want to

glasses half full and half empty

by Frances Hurst

In her instructive and practical article, Frances Hurst, shares her lessons in how to create a positive attitude and how to find more reasons to make you happy.

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In lieu of flowers: how to write lively memorial donation thank-you letters

by Lisa Sargent

Are your in-memoriam donation thank-you letters destined for donor oblivion?

This copywriting clinic looks to help you rescue them from a fate worse than, well… death.

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How to write a better newsletter

by John Grain

In this article, John Grain tells us in simple terms what a good newsletter should be. If you want some solid, practical advice about writing a better newsletter, you need to read this.

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Eight lessons for online fundraising

Wikimedia logo

by Corinne Bekker

Fundraising consultant, Corinne Bekker tackles the ongoing debate about online fundraising. Using the example of Wikimedia’s recent success – success to the tune of $16 million – she argues that clearly online fundraising can work, if you know how to get it right.

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How I use SOFII: I turn to the better thank-you checklist that helps us value our donors

by Virginia Anderson

Virginia Anderson is an experienced, effective major donor fundraiser in Scotland. So why does she keep SOFII’s 17-point better thank-you letter checklist pinned close to her desk? Find out here.

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How I use SOFII: to take advantage of coming second

by Margaux Smith

Find out how enthusiastic new fundraising magpie Margaux Smith uses SOFII to learn from those who’ve been treading the fundraising boards for many a year.

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How I use SOFII: Ryna Sherazi, Nepal’s lone fundraiser

by Ryna Sherazi

One of the reasons we started SOFII was to help fundraisers working in countries without a tradition of raising money for charities. Here, Ryna Sherazi, tells us how the way she uses SOFII has changed since she moved from the UK to Nepal.

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