Digital fundraising

Friends of the Earth: Looking after supporters when the media storm hit


When a media storm hit the sector and put fundraising under the microscope, Friends of the Earth acted quickly to get in touch with their donors. They gave them the opportunity to comment both frankly and freely on how the organisation was communicating with them. But what did their supporters have to say?

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Why so many organisations fail at Facebook

by Beate Sørum

Beate Sorum thinks that if Facebook isn’t working for your organisation, she is willing to bet that it is not Facebook’s fault – it’s yours.

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Crimestoppers: reverse pickpocketing is putpocketing


The charity Crimestoppers launched an integrated experiential and social media campaign to raise awareness of pick pocketing that also aimed to change public behaviour.

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The Connection at St Martin’s: Donate Locate

by Georgia Bridgwood

The Connection at St Martin’s ‘Donate Locate’ app is a way to help someone living on the streets when donors feel most compelled to give – the moment they see him, or her. The app will locate the person they want to help and they can make a donation confident that it is going to the right place.

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Help the Oma

by Ben Swart

Having trouble finding volunteers for your charity? If yes, then please go to this great case history. Its splendid use of video shows that people really do want to help others less fortunate – you just have to give them a way to do it.

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Free Lunch: A case study in Chinese transparency and crowd-sourced fundraising

by Craig Linton

When scandal hit one charity in China all the others in the country were tainted and faced widespread public mistrust. Yet one well-known journalist was brave enough to start a bold campaign to change the lives of malnourished school children. This breakthrough innovation has helped restore trust in charities in China and raised enough funds to feed thousands of hungry children.

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The Royal Hospital for Sick Children: Jack Draws Anything

by Alexandra Aggidis

Six-year-old Jack wanted to raise £100 for The Royal Hospital for Sick Children to say thank you to them for looking after his brother. His brilliant idea – which he thought of entirely by himself – did what all fundraisers want to do. He touched the hearts of everyone who saw it.

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Emory University’s Blue Pig Campaign


Emory University started the Blue Pig Campaign to encourage its undergraduate students to give to the university and foster good links for alumni fundraising by using a Facebook account and Twitter profile.

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San Francisco Zoo’s ‘adopt-an-animal’ campaign


Many charities have seasonal appeals: Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day… Would you be brave enough to take a swerve from the traditional? Yes? Then go to Tycely Williams’ story of the San Francisco Zoo’s offer of a gift, but not to a loved one – that’s too predictable – you can send a hissing cockroach to a nasty ex.

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Bitcoin for fundraisers


Is Bitcoin the next ‘BIG THING’ for fundraisers? Could it work wonders for your organisation?

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Children’s Medical Research Institute: the video that broke the Internet’s heart


Click here to see the video from Australia’s Children’s Medical Research Institute that ‘broke the Internet’s heart’.

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Cancer Research UK’s Dryathlon


If you think that the cause should never take second place in an appeal, click here to see how Cancer Research UK’s Dryathlon did exactly that. And raised £4.5 million.

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