Foundations of Fundraising

Simone Joyaux, campaigning fundraiser extraordinaire, has died

by Ken Burnett

SOFII has lost a great friend, a great fighter, an exemplary force for good.

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The wit and wisdom of George Smith - Never sneer at an Oscar

by George Smith

Back in 1993, George Smith extolled the virtues of the now ubiquitous fundraising awards. 

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Direct marketing copy and the amazing power of fear

by Denny Hatch

Can fear be a primary motivating factor in direct mail? Denny Hatch certainly thinks so. In this blog Denny not only explains why, he also illustrates the point by analysing two remarkable letters.

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The Bata Shoes story

by Ken Burnett

In this article from his archive, SOFII founder Ken Burnett muses on how fundraisers should look at the world and our profession. He also draws unexpected inspiration from the number one shoe company in Africa.

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The wit and wisdom of George Smith - Infantile musings

by George Smith

In a piece from 1997, George Smith reflects on how the joy of becoming a grandparent made him more altruistic, and why charities should tap into that well of happiness. 

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The wit and wisdom of George Smith - Instead of Help the Aged, let the aged help

by George Smith

‘A good proportion of one fifth of the population is loaded and leisured, financially secure and has quality time on its hands’ said George Smith. How can fundraisers tap into that potential?

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A medieval ‘course’ in writing an appeal

by Mark Phillips

Do you think appeal writing is a recent science? Think again. In this article, Mark Phillips of Bluefrog Fundraising takes you all the way back to the Middle Ages.

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Communication and the English language

by Ken Burnett

Ken Burnett tackles bad use of the English language in fundraising and explains why getting this crucial matter right can make all the difference.

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The Olive Cooke story

by Ken Burnett

How the tragic case of Olive Cooke impacted the fundraising sector and led to radical change.

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Contradictory signs: as the corona-crisis continues, what’s really happening in fundraising?

by Ken Burnett

If most charities expect to do so badly during this pandemic, how come some are now doing much better than ever?

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The pandemic: where has fundraising been, where is it going and where should we be focusing now?

by Giles Pegram CBE

Help is at hand. A free online booklet and webinar are now available to help you deliver great fundraising during the coronavirus pandemic. And the advice all hinges on how to provide a superb supporter experience.

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The essence of Campaigning Fundraising: weblinks and QR codes

by Ken Burnett

Reading Ken Burnett’s new book? Lost your handy USB key? Don’t worry! 

Below you will find shortcuts to all the SOFII content linked from Ken’s latest book, The essence of Campaigning Fundraising in 52 exhibits and 199 web links.

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