Dr Barnardo’s Homes

‘Dr Barnardo’s Homes’: quatre grands noms de la collecte de fonds du passé lointain

by Jenny Craven

Dr Thomas Barnardo était un grand philanthrope de l’époque Victorienne. Ces archives sont des exemples de son style personnel de la collecte de fonds et de ses efforts, et sont des trésors uniques pour le corps de la connaissance de la collecte de fonds et pour les bonnes pratiques.

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Dr Barnardo’s Homes: quattro grandi raccolte fondi dal passato remoto


Il Dr Thomas Barnardo fu uno dei maggiori filantropi dell'era Vittoriana. Questi esempi in archivio, con il suo personalissimo stile di fare fundraising e con le sue iniziative, sono un tesoro più unico che raro per l'intero patrimonio di esperienze nel fundraising e delle sue buone prassi.

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Dr Barnardo’s Homes: how the death of Carrots led to a powerful slogan, from 1866


The death of a lonely young boy led Dr Barnardo to declare that the children’s homes that bore his name should never, ever close their doors to any child. A great example of fine writing combined with sincerity.

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Dr Barnardo’s Homes: four fundraising greats from the distant past


Dr Thomas Barnardo was one of the Victorian era's great philanthropists. These archive examples of his personal fundraising style and efforts are a unique treasure for the body of fundraising knowledge and best practice.

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Dr Barnardo’s Homes: the home collecting box

by Ken Burnett

The home collecting box remains many people’s closest link with charitable giving. Some collecting boxes are themselves collector’s items.

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