Every­thing you need to know about the annu­al appeal let­ter. Made easy.

Now this is a gift.

Written by
Jay Love
& Tom Ahern
May 12, 2013

Here, in one single simple infographic, Tom Ahern and Jay Love of Bloomerang are giving you an experts’ guide to that perennial challenge, how do you write that annual appeal letter? What’s more, Jay and Tom set the scene for you, explain the kind of results you should expect, the kind of questions you should ask and the answers you might get, and…and…and…, well, there’s lots more beside. Look at it yourself, why don’t you? All the information you might need is here in this one, easy, graphic format.

That’s why it’s called an infographic, we suppose.

Thanks to Jay and Tom, it’s yours, to use and enjoy.

About the author: Jay Love

Jay Love is founder of eTapestry. He also recently launched Bloomerang, an online management system to help small- and mid-size nonprofits reach, engage and, most importantly, retain the commitment of the people who share their vision.

About the author: Tom Ahern

Tom Ahern is a fundraising, advocacy and communications specialist based in Foster, Rhode Island, USA.

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