Dream a Dream’s ‘uncrush a dream’ campaign
- Exhibited by
- Claire Holloway Wadhwani.
- Added
- June 10, 2010
- Medium of Communication
- Face to face
- Target Audience
- Single gift
- Type of Charity
- Children, youth and family
- Country of Origin
- India
- Date of first appearance
- 2003
SOFII’s view
From India, this 'uncrush a dream' concept is a brilliant idea for engaging donors, whether it used when introducing and explaining a cause to passers-by in the street or as people gather at organised events. The simple, easy action of unwrapping a crumpled dream and smoothing it out is inevitably engaging and thought-provoking. This is innovative fundraising at its best – easy to understand, appealing, engaging. It's an inspired idea that can be readily copied or adapted almost anywhere.
Creator / originator
Dream a Dream.
Summary / objectives
During the initial 'uncrush a dream' campaign each participating outlet showcased a dustbin and a collection box. In the bins there were slightly crumpled profiles of children from Dream a Dream, including their dreams. There was information on the back about the impact of Dream a Dream's work and readers were invited to fill in a contact form and drop it in the collection box. They were then be contacted by Dream a Dream and received information on how to become more involved.
Dream a Dream was started in 1999 by a small group of young people whose dream was to make a difference in their Bangalore communities. Now it has developed into a professionally run NGO serving over 700 children through a strong base of over 150 volunteer dreamers.
Dream A Dream provides children from vulnerable backgrounds with non-traditional educational opportunities designed to allow them to explore, innovate and build important life skills. These life skills are fundamental to child/youth development and to the successful transition into adulthood and becoming fully functioning and productive members of our society.
A further dream is to work towards creating a non-discriminatory society where unique differences are appreciated.
The 'uncrush a dream' campaign was designed to recruit new contacts for Dream a Dream. It ran in partnership with retail outlets in Bangalore in 2003.
Special characteristics
Including the children's dreams with their profiles.
The campaign had little in the way of costs as all the printing was sponsored by a corporate partner.
The campaign was seen as success as it generated a lot of new contacts as well as some media coverage. It even generated some funds. Some people simply chose to drop a donation in the collection box right there and then.
Unfortunately there are no details of the number of new contacts made.
The images drawn by the children as well as the action of having to un-crumple a piece of paper that turns out to be a child's dream are very powerful. A simple and inexpensive exercise that really seemed to gather the interest desired (and generate funds at the same time).

Also in Categories
- India