StreetSmart: Helping the homeless as you eat

StreetSmart raises thousands of pounds for homeless charities throughout the UK every year during the months of November and December. The idea is simple: participating restaurants have a card on each table, or a reference on the menu, explaining that a voluntary one pound donation will be added to each table's bill at the end of the meal. StreetSmart then distributes these donations directly to reputable homeless charities throughout the UK.
Read moreStreetSmart: Ajudando os sem teto a comer

by SOFII Volunteers in Brazil
Esta campanha demonstra duas coisas prediletas de SOFII: simplicidade e inovação. Integrando totalmente o ato de doar dentro da rotina estabelecida do doador e com a promessa de que cada centavo irá para a causa, StreetSmart dificulta a decisão de qualquer um a dizer não.
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