The Fundraiser’s Toolbox

You know that fundraising is hard work. To be successful you need to be well equipped to take on all its challenges. At SOFII, we thought you might like some help. So we’ve put together this fundraiser’s toolbox that we’ll be filling with essential examples, formats, articles, case studies, ideas and tips that we think every fundraiser should know about.

There must surely be a better way to make the most of people’s generosity during tragic times?

by Andrew Papworth

It's wonderful how the public responds to horrors  such as the terror attack at the Manchester Arena  in the UK with generous donations to help the victims. But is there a better way?

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Collecting stories from your donors

by Simone Joyaux

Do you ever ask donors for their stories? Nonprofits have access to a crucial resource and it’s a fundraiser’s role to tap into it. 

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I’m a fundraiser because…

by Damian O’Broin

Being a fundraiser is more than just a job for Ask Direct founder and leading Irish fundraiser Damian O’Broin.

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Do you have the answer to the donor consent issue? Here’s a behavioural scientist’s perspective

by Kiki Koutmeridou

Asking for your donors’ consent about when and how to contact them is a hot topic right now. Where do you stand?

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Serve or inspire? That is the question

by Richard Turner

Inspire is often a misused word in the fundraising world but it is not just a way of recruiting and even retaining donors. Inspiration can go much, much further.

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What the gender pay gap is – and what it isn’t

by Beverley Callaghan

In the wake of the furore around pay at the BBC, experienced fundraiser Beverley Callaghan says it's time to clear up the confusion around the gender pay gap, and how this affects the voluntary sector.

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Gender equality in salaries starts with us

by Marc Pitman

Marc A Pitman shares his anger at the way we accept gender disparity when it comes to salaries, and challenges the charities sector to change its ways for the good of all organisations.

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Spot the elementary mistake in this advertisement

by Andrew Papworth

Embracing the Internet is of course crucial for modern charities. Andrew Papworth, however, argues that this World Food Programme ad makes the mistake of ignoring an important section of society by focusing so heavily on online users.

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CDE project 21: working with suppliers as partners

by The Commission on the Donor Experience

This project will aim to show fundraisers how to be an effective client and so to get the most for their donors from their prudent and well-managed investment in supplier services.

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CDE project 15 summary: the role of trustee boards and senior managers

by The Commission on the Donor Experience

Fundraising’s evolving future will inevitably have profound implications for volunteer boards and senior management teams. This project will help them to understand the changes in their roles and to prepare for, contribute to and respond to fundraising’s new agenda.

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CDE project 15 appendix 1 & 2

by The Commission on the Donor Experience

CDE project 15 appendix 1 and 2: the role of trustee boards and senior managers 

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CDE project 15 appendix 3

by The Commission on the Donor Experience

A series of conversations with trustees, CEOs, fundraisers and others close to the sector about governance.

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