The main areas of fundraising

The Sandcastle Trust: Christmas appeal and fundraising film

by Danielle Singleton

When you work at a small charity with a tiny team, setting up an important appeal can feel like a big responsibility. In this case study, charity founder Danielle shares how she learned variety of new skills – including how to co-create a fundraising film and design a landing page – so The Sandcastle Trust could reach more donors with their 2023 Christmas campaign.

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Age UK: Cadbury ‘Donate Your Words’ corporate partnership

by Rebecca Broad

It’s not often that a chocolate bar stops you in your tracks and makes you want to start talking (and donating) to a charity helping older people. But in this case study, you’ll discover how Age UK’s superbly executed brand and fundraising campaign raised both money and awareness in a clever, captivating, and caring way.

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New year, new changes in digital fundraising – five tips to help you prepare

by Eric Reif

Changes in online marketing and data privacy have made it harder than ever to find new donors. And as we embark on a new year in fundraising, more shifts are on the horizon. So what can fundraisers like you do to make sure you’re prepared to communicate with and nurture your donors in an ever-evolving digital landscape?

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Legacy brochures from 90 years ago – what’s the same and what’s different to today?

by Marina Jones

This is a rare ‘legacy edition’ from our ever-growing fundraising history project. Marina Jones has uncovered some gems in The Salvation Army archive, two legacy brochures from the 1930s. In this article she looks at what’s stayed the same (Marina found ten things!), as well as what’s changed, when it comes to talking to donors about making a gift in their will.

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Beyond words – how thanking can transform your relationship with your charity’s supporters

by Mark Phillips

The all-important thank you. After each donation, the thank you sets the tone for what could be a good or bad supporter experience. Yet so often, the thank you becomes automated, forgotten, or worse still – left out of the donor journey on purpose. In this article, Mark Phillips shares why he thinks improving your thanking can be transformational to the relationship you have with your supporters.

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From the Myth Smashers: Do donors really love having a brick with their name on it?

by Kellie O’Sullivan

When it comes to capital campaigns, 2022 Myth Smashers winner Kellie O’Sullivan isn’t sure putting your donor’s name on a brick is strictly necessary. She thinks it’s less about the brick and mortar or the physical building – and more about ‘building’ a legacy that lays the foundations of community, connection, and collaboration.

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St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa Foundation: ‘One Song’ direct mail

by John Lepp

This warm direct mail appeal has it all. Using great copy and simple and effective design, the appeal begins a beautiful conversation with each donor. Unsurprisingly, the results and emotional responses from supporters of St. Pat’s prove that taking time to craft a special appeal can really pay off. Dive in and get inspired before writing your next appeal.

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From the Myth Smashers: Guess what? Mid value donors are not major donors in disguise!

by Kate Rule

Just like the cliché of the middle child, mid value donors can sometimes be forgotten, ignored, or swept up in other segments. But 2023 Myth Smashers winner Kate Rule believes that mid value donors are not major donors in disguise! Keep reading to discover why Kate wants you to rethink your stewardship strategy for mid value donors.

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Hear Me Out: Co-creation fundraising campaign

by Anna Zabow

Small charity, Hear Me Out, has been working hard to embed co-creation across their whole organisation – even in their fundraising appeals. In this case study, their team share how the ‘More Than A Label’ campaign was co-created with a talented group of people who all had lived experience of the UK’s immigration system.

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Supporter care – it’s the best investment you can make in fundraising

by Ralph Welch

Ralph Welch didn’t expect his chance encounter with a Women’s Super League customer service team to make him think much about fundraising. But an unexpected response after a recent purchase made him reflect on charities and supporter care. Read on to find out more and learn a few top tips.

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Battersea Dogs and Cats Home: ‘Leaving a gift in your will’ TV ad

by Gina Hollands

Since this upbeat, inspiring television ad started airing in 2020 it has helped generate over 1,000 legacy information pack requests. But how did the fundraisers do it? Keep reading to discover how Battersea Dogs and Cats Home created a legacy television ad that’s proven its worth over the past three years… and counting.

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New research says the cost of living crisis doesn’t have to be a ‘cost of giving’ crisis

by Lizi Zipser

A new study by agency Blue State looks at how people in the UK are engaging with charities. This research into UK giving behaviours, through the cost of living crisis, shows a mood of cautious generosity among the UK public. Click to read an overview then download the full report today.

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