The main areas of fundraising

What are charitable foundations and trusts?

by Jo Habib

Charitable foundations and trusts are simply marvellous – they exist only to give away money. Maybe they could give some to you. If you are new to fundraising, Jo Habib will explain what they are when you click here. If you are an old hand, are you contacting givers of gifts, investors, or shoppers?

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Sufia’s story

by Jeff Brooks

It’s not often that an ad from a nonprofit pleases Jeff Brooks, but Oxfam GB’s story of Sufia has managed to do just that. You can see this triumph here.

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Grant writing in a character limited world

by Charlene Rocha

Has technology saved you time and trouble when writing an application for a grant? Or do you find online application forms limit how much you can say? Click here to find how you can get all your valuable information across in fewer words.

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What do companies want from charity partners?


by Remarkable Partnerships

Corporate fundraising seems to raise passionate debate. Some say that’s all it raises; others that it’s a potential golden goose. If you’re not sure, check out this first in SOFII’s new series on how to raise money from the commercial world.

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Ten things you should remember when writing to trusts and foundations

by Jo Habib

As with all fundraising, you really need to think about what you are doing from the foundations’ – the donors’ – perspectives. If you were them, what would you want? How would you want to be approached? What would you want to know?

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In lieu of flowers: how to write lively memorial donation thank-you letters

by Lisa Sargent

Are your in-memoriam donation thank-you letters destined for donor oblivion?

This copywriting clinic looks to help you rescue them from a fate worse than, well… death.

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How to write a better newsletter

by John Grain

In this article, John Grain tells us in simple terms what a good newsletter should be. If you want some solid, practical advice about writing a better newsletter, you need to read this.

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St Dunstan’s: help blind heroes interactive acquisition campaign.

Mail pack


By combining a commanding and touching story with an interactive grit 'reaction test', they have managed to design a campaign that will both move and interest people.

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Ontario Nature: ‘Ruby the hummingbird’ mailing

Ruby the hummingbird


This unusual example of direct mail tells a complex, moving story in an imaginative and very engaging way.

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Jewish Care: the Post-it note campaign

Front of Jewish Care’s A5 leaflet.


The ideas that look most obvious and the execution that looks so easy and straightforward of course rarely are. There’s no such thing as simple creativity. But here is a great idea executed with flair so as to be instantly clear and appealing.

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Harvard University: how Harvard got its name. Major gift fundraising in the seventeenth century.


The examples in this exhibit are almost 400 years old, yet it would seem that we are still making the same mistakes today when it comes to major gift fundraising.

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